IPS VS TN panel for gaming?

I don't really know what monitor to buy. I have been looking at a LG IPS237L-BN 23 inch monitor, it says that it have 5ms response time, and I would like to have an IPS panel for the better colors. But, I am also trying to get as good as I can in FPS games (I am also in a clan that tries to get to tournaments in CS GO) So i'm not sure if I should take the IPS panel, or just get a TN panel with the highest refresh rate I can find for the money. The TN monitor I have been looking at is something like the ASUS VE248H. So I can get the extra "edge" in FPS games with faster response rate. My budget is around 250 US dollars / 190 euros. I am looking for a 23-24 inch monitor.
So my question is essentially if 2ms will make any real world performance for gaming over 5ms response time? And what is the best monitor to buy for gaming in that price range?

Overall I mostly just play games and watch youtube videos, I don't do any video editing or anything like that.

I Wont go into detail explaning it but in short NO, 2ms vs 5ms will show nothing to you in the real world.

Input Lag on the other hand can cause some problems, especially with games, so id look inot that for what your looking into buying. 

And as for the TN vs eIPS/PLS debate, they both have there pros and cons, but i think the best Panel type for Gaming and everything else is AMVA when a budget of under about 400$ is present. 


usually a 5ms gtg response is not something that should put you off. Strictly speaking, those 3 milliseconds mean nothing when there's a hard cap on the response time of a monitor.

Dividing 1000ms(a second) by your chosen framerate gives you a barrier of 13.33ms for 75hz and a barrier of 16.66 at 60hz, (And 8.33 @ 120hz) meaning that there's no visual advantage to be had aside from your frames appearing 3 miliseconds earlier than they would with the ips panel.

All-in-all, the only situation you should be considering a TN panel is when there's no alternative with simillar features (120hz, for example.) 

There were some korean monitors that were the product of B-graded panels(Uneven backlighting and or dead pixels on some units) that were overclockable to 120hz, you might want to look into those, but keep in mind that the imperfections might drive you mad.

Okay, thanks for the answers.

you can buy shimian QH 270-IPS, S-IPS and a 2560x1440 resolution

It is 60HZ but for that money you cant get any better.

There are Yamakashi Catleap monitors that are moded on 120hz.com where they became 120Hz monitors, but those monitors cost about 800$...

I have been looking at the BenQ RL2450HT monitor, it is "developed" for RTS games with some SC2 team named StarTale, it says alot about RTS games, but it seems to overall be good from the reviews of it, and it has something called "black eQualizer" that makes it easier to see things in the dark basically. Think I'm gonna be going with that if I can't find anything better within a week or so.

if you can get a 120hz tn panel for gaming, DO IT. Alot of people say it doesnt make a difference but it makes a huge difference and makes your game apear alot smoother, and with cs go you will be hitting 120 fps no problem so you would benefit from it.

Well I haven't seen any 120HZ panels at my budget, and doubt there are any.. Otherwise I would love to have one.

Unless the input lag is horrible, and then you cant react quickly enough.

Crysis on a LG ips277L-BN



gta 4on the lg ips


most people say its realy a good ips panel for gaming,  with 5 ms.

i gonne look at this LG ips 27inch screen, for  about 280 dollar.

they have als so a 23ich screen LG ips 237L-BN same screen only 23 inch.

im realy intressted in this thing.

 but ofc a 1 or 2ms TN panel is faster


yeah but that goes for every monitor, but in general gaming 120hz tn panel have better input lag then 60hz models, just because they display more frames.

How about an ASUS VN247H-P

1ms response time AND it uses an IPS panel. Logan used 3 in his eyefinity video.


are you sure the asus is a ips panel? i think its not ☻

I didn't look too closesly. Look at what time I was posting. Either way, it has incredibly good performance for the price. Sorry. The monitor I know is an IPS from ASUS is $145 but it has a 5ms response time. 

yes i know, im looking my self for a new monitor.

but yeah what can i say ofc a TN pannel of 1/2/3 ms is faster in gaming.

but i saw some movies about an ips panel with 5 ms, and thats was very well looking.

but there are more panels too but ofc  an asus with 2 ms is good for gaming.

ips panels are basicly more for designing and o on, but that lg, ips i see many revieuws about it, and i think the asus maybe better, with 5 ms, where very well running games to.

but  pure the question, wich is better for gaming TN

cause its faster response times

Okay, think I am going to end up with the BenQ RL2450HT becuase it has good response time and something called "black eQualizer" and since my main use for it will be gaming...

Balck equalizer sounds like a rebranded DCR, which is just backlight control, if you really want to see everything possible in the black get an AMVA panel, they have the best contrast ratio out of the 3 types of majour consumer panels AMVA, IPS/PLS and TN

I'm suprised NO ONE linked this video:


I know what the different panels are.. I was just not quite sure which one to pick.