This is going to sound strange but I live in a place where cellphones do not work. I would have to travel to the states to use a phone which does not happen that often. Although we have WiFi everywhere. I am looking for something that I can carry in pocket like an ipod touch only with out it being an ipod. I loath apple and am looking for something running android. I have a few hundred dollar price range. I was looking at maybe a Nexus 5 but was wondering if anyone had any other ideas.
both have quad core processors, 1 gb of ram, decent cameras, and are WAYY faster than an ipod touch, and under your budget
I know you said a phone wouldn't really be useful, but a phone with expandable memory is by far the easiest exchange for an iTouch.
I use PowerAmp to play my music which gives tons of equalizer settings, etc, so you can get good customization etc. Also you could look into getting a phone that ac!d audio engine is built for, that give a lot of sound tweaks for your music listening pleasure. A lot of the phones supported are kind of old so you could even get one used and just use it without a sim card or something.
Just a little story about my quest to find an iPod Touch alternative.
I was looking for an iPod Touch alternative a year ago.
I never found one, when I was looking for something to replace my iTouch 4. I bought a 5th generation to replace it after I sold my 4th gen. Nothing really fit my expectations, sadly.
The latency of the touchscreen I've experienced with every Android phone I use is noticeable to an extent where it bugs me. If you've never really used an Apple iPhone/Pod touch, I wouldn't worry too much about this as there are plenty of Android users happy with their smartphones.