I have ios 6.1.4 on my iphone 5 and REALLY want to jailbreak. Is there any way to? If so plz provide a link or a tutorial. Tethered or untethered, it doesnt really matter since my phone never dies or shuts off. Plz reply soon. Thanks!
Tried Google? Just searching "iPhone 5 jailbreak" found me exactly what your looking for.
I wouldn't jailbreak if I were you. Sure it's cool for the first few weeks, but your device will start to slow down. Horribly. This is coming from a used-to-be regular jail breaker. It's not worth the constant restores.
There is an untethered jailbreak for both 6.1.3 and presumably your version but it's still being "worked" on.
My phone would go into safe-mode so much, that I eventually gave up and just restored it. Also iOS 7 is coming out tomorrow so don't jailbreak!
I dont think that there is a jailbreak for ios 6.1.3/4 for the iphone 5. Although if you had a limerain exploitable device that would still be jailbreakable on 6.1.3 (not 6.1.4 as that in a iphone 5 and ipad mini exclusive.) unfortunately i dont think you'll be able to jailbreak until ios 7 as the jailbreak dev teams probably are not putting any resources in to a jailbreak for that version. sorry man you'll just have to wait for ios 7 to drop with in the next couple of weeks. Then about a mouth later a jailbreak will become available.