iPat8's master post of projects

Going to be posting up stuff I'm working on in here, installing Linux on a G4 right now....that ought be to interesting.

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ESXi - Security Permissions.

So this morning I was working on a home lab deployment, and I was trying to do some multi user stuff, and this happened:

Wat. VMware has logs though!

Oh Lord. Just as any FYI, the password I was using was: StudentTestPass2016. Rather secure right?


That's the default, have a look at mine:


One nice thing about ESXi is that there are multiple ways to do things. I'll just add the user from the terminal. > Guide for that: Here.




To be continued.

ESXi - Security Permissions; Part 2

So the last time I updated this post I was still having authentication issues. I solved those, but in a different way. ESXi's terminal is rather shit; little documentation, and almost no guidance, so I went looking through vSphere and found the lovely thing that is active directory authentication. GLORIOUS. Except there was one problem, every time I tried to join the ESXi host to my domain, this happened:

GREAT. (The name of the host has .Phantomhive in it for another reason, this doesn't have to do with the issue)

So I went hunting. Checking clock settings etc. I can't find the thread on VMware's forums, but someone recommended to try enabling NFS. Now, if you don't work with VMware regularly, then you probability don't know what that is. In the most basic of terms; the NFS client opens all of the ports on the host. It's NOT a good idea. Did it anyway. Cave Johnson be with me.

Yea that didn't work. (I used the same image here, as the result was exactly the same)

So I had another idea, swap back to the default sub-domain. GURR.

(Search Domains were manually added)

Let's try this again....

(That is not a word, it just sounded good in my head)

So I closed out of vSphere and attempted to login using session credentials.

Da wat.

Alright, could be a netbios issue, let's try it's name instead of it's IP.


Well what about it's full address?

At this point I was wondering if AD had actually worked. So I decided just to type my stuff in.

No again.

So I went back to it's IP.


Well let's log back in as root and set the permissions.....

Righty then, that's fixed.

Now let's try session credentials...


After manually entering the credtials I was able to login via AD, but I don't like typing.

Next post will involve fixing this, but this one is to long already.

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in for smashing things

So it's not more ESXi Stuff, but I did a video on TF2 Servers.