HP TC1100 aren't really thet much thicker then the iPad, and you cant use Flash in the iPad, in the HP TC1100 you can, and you cant run more than 1 program (app) at once on the iPad while in the HP TC1100 you can... the iPad is just a big iphone without the phone.
iPad - Technical Specifications VS. HP TC1100 Technical Specifications
Let use know what you the Apple and PC users think, Please drop a coment and feel free to debate :)
Hmmm. Tablets must of changed alot! They were thicker but had bigger screens and full of I/O ports. Nowadays most people who buy tablets want the very best software and don't care as much about the hardware.
yup lol I have a tc 1100 and its awsome maybe abit thicker but not by much and out the box can do alot more then any "pad" i can install real programs :) if i had it my way and i worked at HP i would make an updated one that runs windows 7 not windows 8 :)
I just edited the blog to be more Professional and i will upload i video of the tc1100 soon.
The iPad is 0.5" thin and the TC1100 is 0.8" thin, the iPad is only 0.3" thinner thats not that much thinner at all.