Hello all, I'm having an issue right now, After activating windows 7 Ultimate, I found my key was accepted, but wasen't valid. I HAD a 30 day trial, it's up tomarrow, I found. I tryed to upgrade WIN 7 HP to ultimate, and now i'm wondering if any of my data will be lost, and could I use my WIN 7 HP key again when it's up? Please respond quickly, I need to know so I can prepare.

you can downlad windows activator and be good.

You can try the key again maybe you typed it in wrong the first time. Also you can download a windows activator as mentioned above its very small and worked every time for me (also probably illegal) but if you paid for a windows key once and it didnt work its insanity to buy another one. Ive used mine since xp flawlessly ;)

You wont lose anything activating windows or when your time runs up. You wont lose data if you do an "upgrade install" your old files will be in a folder labeled windows.old but if you to a clean "custom" install you will end up with a brand new windows install as if you just pulled the pc from the box. The upgrade and custom options are the first window that pops up when you boot form the windows disc. I recomend doing a fresh custom instal and format the disc after you save your old files elswhere (even on a different partition on the same hdd).

I recommend Trilogy 4.2 it's a simple batch file it's simple easy to use and it just works.

If you paid for a copy of Windows they have a phone # that you can call and talk to Mr. computer voice. They will ask you for your code and how many computers you have it installed on. Answer 0 this will allow Microsoft to give you a code that will validate you copy of windows.