Interview tips

I have my first interview in a few days for a decent graduate job in the networking & cloud area of IT. I've never done an interview at this sort of level or industry (minus a placement interview). Any tips or things to know that might helpful or give me an edge?

Be Yourself HR people are very good at seeing through bullshit.

It will be with the CTO so I imagine that will apply even more so for any technical based questioning.

Try and see it as a semi-formal chat.  Be polite, turn off your phone, be punctual and DONT be a smart ass or know-it-all.  Just relax, be yourself, be confidant and respectful.

Learn about the company your are applying to. Information from their web site is a good start. Generally what they do, what service or product they sell, who are their customers, what is their edge, what are their big projects and achievments. Just show that you r interested in working there

have a couple of relevant questions for the CTO. nothing to make yourself seem overly clever or smart ass, but enough to show an interest in their company or enough to open up the conversation.

that way it's more of a conversation, rather than just questions and answers.