I found an article about Microsoft´s new Windows 9, telementry data real-time
Microsoft claims that they are going to monitor user interactions with the new OS in realtime. Microsoft is going to use a new system named: Asimov that will provide near real-time view, of what we are doing on our systems
Microsoft claims that they are going to use this data to improve the OS. But yeah why knows what else they could do with your information?
"I think allot of powerusers won´t be happy with this.. It sounds a bit fishy to me."
Why would someone be unhappy with this? They already have backdoors into windows (one for them, one for NSA for good measure, why bother wasting their time with issuing silly government requests when they can do it themselves?), I don't see any problem.
As long as you can game on it, that is. This sounds to me like such a small price to pay for being able to play games and use Adobe.
Well think about it, they are going to monitor every mousclick near real-time.
So what about your privacy? Big company´s with allot of employee who are working with allot of sensetive data all day, Microsoft monitors every single mous click. So they must also be able to monitor all the information and date they open, and work with. meh i do see some serious problems with this..
If you care about freedom, you should be on Linux. Run Windows in a virtual machine if you must. I saw an article last night saying that Adobe products will be available for Chromebooks soon via web interface. http://chrome.blogspot.com/2014/09/adobe-joins-chromebook-party-starting.html So that is one step closer to Microsoft dying.
You may very well be correct in that not all distros have fixed it yet. But you have to admit even with a few bugs, Linux is still leaps and bounds more secure than a Microsoft product.
ya, lol. Man, I never thought i would live to see the day when everything around you is monitoring you. All those oldschool sci-fi novels coming to life is alarming.
On the one hand the telemetry can give them some insight into their OS to fix issues and see how people work. Which is good because they have absolutely no idea.
There has been a bug since moving from 32 to 64 bit operating systems. Every time I use remote desktop, the machine will get just a bit slower. After going back and forth about 30 times it starts to get comically slow. Like.. takes 5 minutes to sign in. If I click the taskbar during this time the machine crashes.
It's affected by the total number of monitors on your computer and is worse the more monitors you have.
Ironic or not, I'll still sit here and play the games that don't run on linux on my gaming PC. ;) If Microsoft wants to watch me play Minecraft so bad, I should probably start a youtube channel.
(Yes, I know Minecraft runs on linux, But a lot of my games do not.)