Need advice on why i’m getting 10mb down and 5mb up with a 100mb conection. Speed test always show i should be doing 90+ down.
Can you describe you current network configuration in some more detail?
What modem you have, router, WAP? How are you connecting to the internet via Ethernet cable or Wifi.
If you have a separate modem and router, can you bypass the router and test your speed hard wired to the router.
This will help us locate the root cause of your bottleneck.
Are you sure you're not getting 10 megabytes/s down? That'd be equivalent to 80 megabits/s down.
A 100mb line will give you download speeds of around 11mb/s so that looks fine to me your upload is a little slow (i gess you are in the uk as our upload speeds get caped a little)
I have a Arris CM820 supplyed by Isp. I'm on cable. All my test are done from modem to PC with Ethernet cable. The avg 10mb i'm getting when i dl something. Even the last tech guy that came out said i should be getting better. The 5 up is all i'll ever get because they flag the up speed. One post on here said i'm getting what i should. If that's the case all speed test are not right.
if you are downloading a file most likely it is reporting to you the speed in MEGABYTES not MEGABITS, so it is correctly dispalying the speed, for each byte there are 8 bits, so 12MBps is ~= to 100Mbps(which is how the isp list speed, as well as
so if it is saying 10MB/s then it is like 80Mb/s as the other user has said.
go to and show us the results
Just for clarification:
b (lowercase b) -> bits
B (uppercase B) -> Bytes
Ok thanks everyone. I understand now. Is there a way to set to show megabytes when downloading?
Ok i did a speed test and see what most of you are saying. It shows Mbps not Mbs. So i'm guessing i'm doing fine. Is there a way to have my downloads show Mbps instead of Mbs. I said it backwards in my my post i think.
I do not believe that you can unless you can change it within the programs settings, just think of it this way MB will be a smaller number and Mb will be a larger one.
so steam will show 10MB/s
so in your head think 10 * 8 = 80Mbps which is within 20Mbps of your up to 100Mbps speed.
aside from that just try to learn that the big B = bytes and the small b = bits, also some programs will no even label this shit correctly.
you can also try that will show both speed lables, keep in mind it might not route you to the fastest one so don't be worried if it says your speed is slower then the one.