Hey guys I have a problem. I just recently built a new PC and I'm trying to connect to my internet via WiFi.( belkin USB adapter)
But, when I open a web browser I cannot open any web pages. I am physically connected to the network but with no internet access. Even though windows is telling me I have internet access. Please help and thanks in advance!
Ok I was able to ping websites but still no internet access. I tried resetting my settings in chrome and that didn't work. I don't know much about proxy settings so if there is something specific to look for please let me know.
This is a new computer so I haven't downloaded those things yet because of this issue. When I was connected threw Ethernet I downloaded AC4 which uses Uplay and I can't login On there either
"netsh wlan show interfaces" to check and see if your wireless adapter is being recognized. This will also give you the name of your interface that you'll need to keep note of.
"netsh wlan show drivers [interface]" to see if your driver is registering properly
Tell me what you get from those.
Try "Netsh wlan delete profile (ESSID)" Be sure to substitute your network name for essid, after that command try connecting to your wireless again.
When you were "pinging" servers were you using names or IPs? If IPs sounds like there is something wrong with your DNS 'system'.
Go to network and sharing centre
Then click on "properties' for the connection you want to use
A wee list comes up, highlight "Internet protocol Version (TCP/IPv4)" and click properties.
where it has 'radio buttons for Obtain DNS automatically / Use the following DNS select "use the following" and enter the prefered DNS as and alternate DNS as (these are the settings for open DNS [rather than your ISP provided DNS]) a FREE service that is a minor security step). Especially if you set up the connection yourself rather than use the ISP provided set-up program this step tends to get forgotten.
To show if this probably is a DNS fault try surfing using IPs ( is the BBC [they are pretty much always up])
Go to control panel, network and internet, network and sharing center then click change adapter settings, right click your connected interface then go down to IPv4 and ensure that the settings are obtained automatically.
After that go to cmd with admin and type: ipconfig /flushdns
Seems to me if you can ping sites both by name and by IP then you DO have internet access . The issue is that though you can connect to these sites your browser cannot decode these sites so the problem seems to be with your browser rather than your config .
What browser are you using, is it set-up correctly, maybe the firewall is tied into your browser and is blocking sites that way(how tight is windows firewall to IE?)? No definitives here just ideas to maybe use as a 'springboard'.
Aside:- I had a problem trying to let other computers on this network access the printer turned out to be Windows firewall. Turned this of (and killed the process for it)and installed "Private firewall" this cured the 'no printer to networked computers' problem now I run with only the hardware firewall built into the router I do not use a desktop/software firewall at all.