Internet Security/Career?

A few days ago I was participating in a programming competition in the University of Puerto RIco at Ponce and there was this guy giving us a lecture about his company that works with internet, cellphone, computer and app security. He mentioned that they have a section in their company dedicated for "Ethical Hacker" and what not, and it got me thinking. The first thing that motivated me into following a degree in computer science (or programming in general) was hacking and software development. So now that I know "Ethical hacker" is an actual term used in business I was wondering which degree would an "Ethical hacker" need, probably some degree that has to do with Internet security but since there isn't much places I know of that I can ask these sorts of questions I decided to go here to see if anyone could help me out here.

So my question is...

Is becoming an "Ethical hacker" worth it? and if so which degree will be more suited for such career?

For the Tek syndicate team (If you could also answer the top one that will be great)

Seen that there is this game coming out next year "Watch_Dogs" do you guys think that is possible for a person to reach Aiden Pearce in terms of hacking skills, or is the game a bit over exaggerating what can be done with hacking?

Note: Sorry if my spelling is wrong my native language is Spanish. Also this is my first time writing to forums so if I posted this topic on a different section please bear with me. 

Computer science degree is the most relative course that the U.P.R. at Mayagüez is offering for software developers (or at least I think it is). Im just starting my years in college so this is all still new to me.

Thanks for anyone who took the their time to read at least one sentence. 

In my opinion a Computer Technology degree is just to broad to really land a job being and ethical hacker,

you would need a lot of background in networking so a network security degree would be a better start as you will need to know every in and out of network protocol, also your going to need a strong working knowledge of Linux products as Linux is used for most hacking.

Ethical hacking would be a good and fun job to have as there would be job security to a strong extent in the field. 


But all and all most companies will be looking for someone who has not 1 degree but many degrees and generally for a position as such you are required to demonstrate your ability to hack to a certain extent as part of the hiring process 

Also I just want to add, if this is something you are truly interested in, it would be best to make that choice now as this is not a job you can just go to school and then apply for, you would have to start at the bottom and work your way up, as in

Help Desk 

Network Assistant

Network Admin

Network Engineer

And then of course getting the CEH certification from the EC Council

but some certs you will want to look at would be "Network+, CCNA, Security+, CISSP, TICSA,


programming language, Java, Perl, C etc etc, SQL databases 


As you can see its a very involved process and just wanting to do it wont be enough to get a job doing it, it will take years of dedication and hard work.