an compagnie in belgium have announced to work on they're hardware the next 5 year so they can increase from 600Mhz to 1Ghz so everybody get atleast 1 gigabit a sec .
they also claim when finished they will be the best/fasted internet provider from europe
as an client of them ( dont know enouf about this) i wander if this is true and if increasing 400Ghz will be enouf increase to able to cope the future usage of the net as they claim
heres weblinks in dutch:
youtube pressconferance in english :
- they also just announced that they want youtube and netflix pay extra for the big usage of the net and the belguim/europe politics arent happy with it
weblink:(not direct official link because the ceo did say it on tv on Z-channel but this link commes from belguim tv news )
can you please answer this in an comming video
major thanks