Hi there, I am a novice in this minefield,my internet keeps dropping for some reason.
I am hard wired to a ASUs H81M-A motherboard with i7.
After about a couple of hours it drops on a regular basis.
Then I have to reboot for connection,I have been on all the regular fault finders say there is no problem working fine ??? Is it something to do with the lan settings ??
Thanks for your help in advance
Hi, just a quick test. When the connection drops, do you unplug and plug the cable again or turn the pc off? Can you try? I am not an expert either, but I am thinking if you unplug and plug again and you have a good connection, the issue might be on your PC and not your router.
If the contrary happens, you might want to check your ISP router.
There is a problem with an Intel Gigabit Ethernet controllers that were used on a lot of i7 motherboards a few years ago; I have one such, “Ethernet Connection I219-V”. It only affects a few systems, in particular environments, maybe this is your trouble. Or maybe not. I only started having trouble after my home connection was upgraded to fibre and the telco gave us a new router. When the PC’s connection drops, other devices on the same LAN, wired and wireless, have no trouble.
It’s worse on Linux, which I use, but I have seen a report of windows being affected.
You can:
- Try and fiddle with the capabilities, I’ve had no luck with that.
- Update the driver; on Linux its the e1000e driver, and Ubuntu at least ships with an old version, 3.2.6, so I download the latest from Intel, now 3.8.4, and build it. For me this doesn’t fix it, but makes recovery from the connection drop much faster. I’ve no idea what sort of driver Windows uses and whether it’s kept up to date.
- Update the motherboard firmware, I haven’t tried that.
- Run a script that pings something on the LAN periodically. Mine pings the router every 4 seconds. Weird, but it reduces the drops markedly. I can go weeks without it happening, then get three drops in an hour. The script’s log file confirms the drop is local, not just random internet flakiness.
Have you tried resseting the mobo BIOS? What part of your network is reachable when this drops? Is this you external network, are you able to access local machines such as printers?
maybe a weak broadband?