First of all, I just want to say I appreciate this community for their mature, knowledgeable feedback on today’s tech – I’ve learned much from this site!
My brother and I are having issues with intermittent lag while playing online games. This happens for both of us with any game, simultaneously, for about 3-8 continuous seconds, ~3-5x/hr We do not D/C completely from the server, but will completely lose control of our characters during this time. ("Reconnecting to Server," etc)
Our setup currently is:
Comcast 60down/7up
Motorola SB6141 Modem
Asus RT-AC66R
Cat5e to Netgear GS116NA switch to my PC
Powerline adapter to brother’s PC
~6 Wired devices, 10 Wireless MAX at one time (N/A while troubleshooting)
I’ve had Comcast out to verify signal strength/their wiring, and had the same issue with different setups....Modem states signal strengths are within "sweet spot" as well.
I’ve tried taking the modem/router out of the equation, and their TC8305C, and “better” XB3 Gateways have the same problem. I’ve also factory reset the router.
Speedtesting through 6 different websites doesn’t show hiccups (differing but stable speeds), and Netflix streams on these same devices and all others just fine.
1) What other monitoring software do you guys like to use?
2)Any other troubleshooting ideas? I just think it’s odd that the problem persists through diff. network hardware/on 2 machines @ the same time…
Are you double NAT'ed? That might be your issue. Make sure the modem is set to be a bridge mode. Is that modem a combo with wifi?
The setup now is modem only w/asus router. I'll check that when I get home. The other setups I've tried are the Comcast gateway in bridge mode w/router, and 2 different gateways w/o the Asus router, all with the same issue.
Current modem:
Thanks for the feedback!
UPDATE: I don't believe the modem has any type of NAT enabled (that I can see anyway). The DHCP is enabled, but from what I've researched, this looks to be off until Comcast goes down, then the LAN can still stay functional.
Do these help at all?
Hmm. Having a DHCP server to me says that the modem also manages nat. I could be wrong about that tho. (Side note -- I would enable UPnP on the router. It just makes connecting devices easier.) The Comcast gateway (modem) should be set to bridge mode, if it does manage nat this will correct the issue. If your router and modem both have a DHCP table you are essentially running separate networks in your house. Bridge mode should fix this as-well. An alternative could be to use the modem as the DHCP server and Nat device and disable this functionality on your router. I'm being a little confusing, but I believe that your problem is that you are essentially running 2 routers (2nat, and 2 subnets).
I was incorrect. I looked into it in further detail . The SB6141 is just a modem, it has no router functionality. So, I would start by connecting all devices through Ethernet to the router. If that fixes the problem, then you should check for other networks that are interfering (on the same frequency) and change yours accordingly. I would also flash a better firmware such as DDWRT and see if it fixes the problem.
Both PC's that are having this issue are wired directly to the Router already....
I may be trying the DDWRT firmware shortly...The one suggestion that Arris support had was that the variance in my downstream SNR and Signal Strength was a LITTLE high (All levels are perfect, just different across the 8 channels)...Once Comcast (once again) comes out and probably doesn't do anything, that might be my next option, thanks.