Interesting Linux Kernel 4.0RC5 issue (SOLVED)

So I am having some issues with kernel 4.0RC5 on ubuntu... I went ahead and grabbed all the packages INCLUDING all the headers I needed and the AMD installation of proprietary drivers says I do not have the headers when I clearly do every time I run the command noted in their log file

NOTE: If your system has logged the missing packages required for installation, install   them in the order as per the log file to resolve package-dependency issues.
fglrx installation requires that the system has kernel headers.  /lib/modules/4.0.0-   040000rc5-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system.
Install kernel headers using the command apt-get install linux-headers-4.0.0-040000rc5-generic.

Anybody else having this issue or did I miss something?

(Its not a deal breaker... I am experimenting :D )

How I installed

$ cd /tmp

$ wget \

> \

> \


sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.0*.deb linux-image-4.0*.deb
sudo reboot


Removed header check in :D DKMS does the rest
[Note Please leave uname -a command there for kernel version requirements and DKMS build info]

I can tell you right now your problem is your installing binary drivers on an experimental kernel. It almost always has problems.

Im willing to bet that the problem is the binary drivers dont account for major version changes just like 2.* to 3.* had problems.

edit: actually it might be the weird *-0400000rc5 thats causing problems. But again, completely expected for experimental kernels.

AMD notes linux kernel 4.0 RC5 is supported in the latest beta... via DKMS... if you have the headers :D
SO I can rule that out for now

I am completely willing to see if I can solve the issue and post it.. Just because I am insane LOLS

Yeah so im guessing its Ubuntus weird packaging its having problems with. not sure how youd fix that. apt isnt something im familure with

I figure I might edit the install script in the AMD driver to only check the kernel version and overide whether I have kernel headers or not and let DKMS do the work... Gonna try that first :D

Solved read above