Interested in upgrading my PC

Hello everyone,
I have some big problems with my PC at the moment,whenever I play league of legends I get low fps because of my RAM.Whenever I try to open skype - google chrome or teamspeak I lag even more,so I'm willing to buy ram but,because my motherboard doens't support 1 1600mhz ram and if I change my motherboard,I will have to change my CPU too because my cpu supports 750 socket ;/.

My computer specs,

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200

RAM : Type DDR2  Size 4096 MBytes 400 mhz


Manufacturer ASRock
Model G43Twins-FullHD

 Graphics card  : Asus gtx 650 gpu clock : 324mhz.memory clock 324 , physical memory 1023mb

hard disk : ST3500630AS ATA Device

Can you guys help me and tell me what shall i buy and which parts and from which website ?[I'm Europian btw]
My budget is not big,I'm willing to spend around 50-70 euros maximum on ram,around 50-60 on motherboard and Idk what else I will need.

If someone is really interested helping me add me @ skype : marioscy95 so we can chat there.

Really aprpeciate any help! Thanks.


At this budget, try to pick up more RAM if you have more RAM slots.  I also had 4GB of DDR2 in my old C2D e8600 system, and it was quite the bottleneck.  I picked some DDR2 off of ebay that was very similar to the sticks of RAM I was running.

You won't get much more performance out of that computer.  I would suggest saving up for a new rebuild.

It's time for a CPU/mobo/ram upgrade...


Optimal AMD:

Optimal Intel:


Budget AMD:

Budget Intel:


I'd prefer the Intel options at both price points, but that's just my opinion... I think all are worthwhile price/performance buys... 

Ram - hunt around for a single stick of 4gb ddr2 then add that (remove 1 stick if you have both ddr2 slots populated) to the mix. Be aware though that your board has just 2 slots for ddr2 and the other 2 are for ddr3 (800 & 1066 speeds). You could try and source say 2 4gb sticks of 800 or 1066 ddr3, but I dont like your luck and the prices from outlets for em is crazy. If you play it right you should find a single 4gb ddr2 stick for next to nothing 2nd hand - ask around, ebay, classifieds, wanted ads on say OC3D forums etc.

Secondly I'd turf that gpu - sell it and grab something like a gtx750ti.

All up you should come well under the 130 euro mark. There is still a decent amount of life left in the old quad cores.

btw this is your board >