Intel S5000PSLSATA - Not detecting all Installed Memory. (Firmware update?)

As the title says, my server motherboard isn’t detecting all the available memory (Often half or less of what is available). I have so far tried two separate kits, of 16gb and 32gb. I am currently in the process of trying to update the bios, but cant find any documentation on the process. From what i can gather, i need Intel’s One-flash utility, running under windows or RHEL (CentOS should work though??)

Question time…

  • Do i NEED to update the BIOS for 16 - 32 GB of working memory in this system?
  • Is this the correct method to use for updating the BIOS?
  • Am i missing something stupidly obvious in the BIOS settings?


  • Motherboard (Intel S5000PSLSATA)
  • Current BIOS version (S5000.86B.11.00.0096)
  • Current BIOS build date (01/13/2009)
  • CPU (X5260 * 2)
  • Memory
    ( Kit 1 = 4 * 4GB of KVR667D2D4F5K2/8G)
    ( Kit 2 = 8 * 4GB of KVR667D2D4F5/4Gi) - On the motherboard’s tested memory list


check to see if the bios has memory in redundant mode. i have one in my lab and its working with 32gb on a single xeon so i dont think yours should be giving much fuss.

Mirroring isn't enabled (or possible). I just booted the system, and its reporting that one stick is installed, two have failed, and the other is disabled. Whether the system POSTs with all or one of these modals working seems to be random, with skewed results favoring 2 of the four installed dimms working.

EDIT: I am using half of the 32GB kit.

have you tried booting with only one cpu socket in use. mabe one of the cpus are not to well and causing the issues. if i remember correctly the left socket is 0 the right is 1. also i know the board does mirroring because that is my current setup. 32gb installed 20 usable 12 in hot spare mode.

Can i disable one of the CPUs in the BIOS, or is this going to get messy?

(P.S. I meant that mirroring isn't possible with only one stick initializing.) :)

i dont think u can soft disable a cpu from bios (never tried it) in my case it was just power down and pull cpu. as per the one stick initializing, that doesnt sound too good. have u tried cleaning the pins on the ram with a pencil eraser. just remember to clear off eraser bits before u stick in the ram again.

No i haven't. I have visually inspected the last kit, but i didn't bother with the new one since the problem is consistent with the old kit. Is it possible the memory slots on the motherboard could also be dirty?

everything is possible in this day and age. just be careful when cleaning these things.

The eraser is turning black on the second half of the second set of memory... Ill try the first half after i swap it for the second half.

Slot B1 is still failing. What is the likely hood that the CPUs are causing the issue, especially considering that the memory controller is off the CPUs?

it could very well be a flakey slot. have u tried blowing the slot with compressed/pressurised air. it could be very well that some dirt is messing with u. these are old boards.

I haven't. I might try either hunting down a can of compressed air, or call in a favor from a relative when he finishes work today. Is there anything else that could possibly cause an issue like this?

it could ether be bad memory or bad something else, if you have been testing chips all day it is very difficult to believe that you have been putting the same slot with the same chip over and over again.

What about the memory controller, or the connection between itself and the slot? Is there any chance that those could have been compromised?

at that point u can physically inspect the board . if u want to get really thorough get a multimeter and go nuts.

I got a full 16GB to post after cleaning with a hair-dryer, but after installing the other half, Slots B1 and C1 failed again. I've found some better equipment to clean dust with, so i will revisit that. These two slots are almost always the ones to fail (besides when only 4GB is being used). Does this indicate towards any particular piece of hardware that could be faulty?

id try cleaning it again with better equipment (please dont use bug spray ..etc) it could be that these slots are flakey also.

I cleaned the slots out with a 12v air compressor, designed for filling a inflatable bed. With the full kit, the first 4 slots are working, but C1 is still failing. Is that BIOS version definitely compatible with this amount of ram?

I have pulled the server apart, looking at the CPUs, the sockets, and trying the both of the processors independently of each other with no success. The server was reporting 16GB consistently, but the system halted with "NMI has been received - system halted".

If the memory controller has gone bad, is there an easy and practical method of replacing it, or should i return the board to the eBay seller and look else where for the same board?

Edit: I'm getting another error code. 8110 - "Processor 01 internal error (IERR) on last boot" This has since cleared since i took its power away.

are we sure that its not a bad cpu. on my unit i got no boot and a few crash dumps due to a bad cpu #2