Is there any difference between NVDIMM and HPE Persistent Memory ?, why in HPE official documentation its stated explicitly “NVDIMM is not supported on the 2nd generation processors” and maximum capacity also described as “HPE Persistent Memory” instead NVDIMM what mean of this ?, can I use Intel Optane NVDIMM 128GB or 256GB with DL580 G10 and 2nd Xeon Scalable is there make any problems ?
They are two different things. Optane is Persistent Memory. Will see it referred to as Optane PMEM. NVDIMMs are not Optane and require a battery.
See for example this NVDIMM module:
is mixing HPE Persistent Memory with LRDIMM can be a problem too ?, what do you think ?
There’s typically limitations based on the ratio of Optane PMEM to actual memory and how much overall memory a CPU can support.
This documentation seems to outline it well.
Do you think 1:1 ratio will make a problem ?, anyway its just all storage mode
If using in App-Direct mode then no, there’s no ratio concerns. However it’s all in the provided documentation if you wish to triple check.