Intel e8200 + nvidia EVGA 650 non sc/ti 2gb gddr5 fast enough for crysis 2 etc

Hi there would a intel core 2 duo e8200 and a EVGA 650 2gb GDDR5 be fast enough for crysis Black Ops 2 etc.

It will be enough for blackops 2 but for crysis the 650 might br able to run crisis on high (high is the lowest setting) 


hope it helped!

bump that FSB up son

Cheers guys i cant change my GPU now I ordered it (I was on a tight budget)

 but I only aim to play the CoD franchise and minecraft and I'm not a person that is in "love" with gaming and only play games as a minor hobby


would crysis or BF3 be fast on a resoloution of 1366X768 at ultra setting as I only want to use 1080p when viewing HD movies

BF3 should be fine, I've seen people get 60+ FPS in it on ultra setting (Campaign mode) with that card. You'll have to put down your settings with Crysis because it's a really demanding game. You should have no problem with CoD, as other people describe it, you could run it with a toaster, maybe even a potato if you overclock it.

Cheers Foxy,  love the comedy you put in! its coming to me on saturday cant wait...  but can u recommend me a wireless adapter 300mbps N for around £20 [im in the uk]

Overclocked potatoes are the best kind of potatoes.

hahaha this has turned from tech to vegetables

Need to spice up things once in a while ;) A quick Google search helped me find this beauty.

It has exactly what you need at your target price, the reviews are looking solid too!



Lower the settings, the 650 is a great GPU but I doubt it can run that game everything max.

Blacklight is a semi demanding game actually haha.40 isn't really low.

i got this same card about a month ago, despite all of the online reviews that said it wasent that good, its an amazing card for the price, it really does run smoothly on all the things i throw at it on ultra settings

i partially agree put Far Cry 3 was out of the question...