So a while back I bought an Intel 330 180Ggb after my OCZ Solid 3 60gb was no longer enough. The bundled software was my main reason for buying Intel, needless to say it worked perfectly.
I know it's just a stripped down version of Acronis, but my question is: will the same bundled software work for migration FROM an Intel SSD to a competitors?
I don't believe so, the software likily has a firmware check to make sure it's applying to an intel SSD, but here is a free ISO of a bootable acronis that you can use to clone an entire drive directly to another, It will even scale some of the partitions and unallocated space, so you can do a disc to disc clone of a larger drive to a smaller one. (provided your data ddoesn't surpase the storage limit of the smaller drive.)
You can unzip this file and either burn it to a CD or make a spare flash drive bootable: