Wendel showed this thing in the recent stream with Dr Ian Cutress. Intels cryo cooler prototype seems to have become an actual product. This has me wondering why one would go through all the trouble that is sub-ambient cooling but settle for an inefficient TEC element. A heat pump based AIO would be more complex, requiring a pressure optimized pump design, a thermal expansion valve and tubes that don’t expand under pressure. That’s a a major redesign of basically all components (radiators and cold plates might also need adjustments to deal with the phase change), but with with where things are going regarding thermal density, I don’t really see wasteful TECs being a sustainable solution.
Looking around, I also found this paper which investigates what a heat pump cooler might look like. all hail scihub
I would guess size and maintenance. TEC’s while inefficient are very reliable and easy to maintain this setup is just a normal water cooler but with a bit of silicon that moves heat from one side to the other. These are all easy to maintain and dont require a charge to run.
Heatpumps are loud, and take up lots of room at the benefit of very high efficiency.
If you go back in time this has been done and the challenges have been known for 20 years.
Intel need the more extreme cooling to eeeeek out the very last scraps of performance from their overloaded 14nm+++++++++++++ chips…
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