I can't get my intel 750 2.5" to show up on my GA-Z170MX-Gaming 5 through m.2. Does anyone know why this might be or if there is a way to get it working through a pcie card? Cheers.
Don't you have to connect this through the NVMe connector?
I have it plugged in to a gigabyte u.2 to m.2 adapter.
what bios version are you running? do you have the port enabled in the bios?
Bios version is F1. I can't see an option for the port in the bios. What am I looking for?
first off you want to update the bios version to the latest which is f4e.
then you want to disable fast/ultra fast boot as this will only turn on your os drive and no others.
then you want to go to bios features and turn off all the fast boot options and turn on all the power to everything to see if it's a power saver/fast boot issue.
then physically touch your ssd to see if it's warm. if it isnt by now then it's not getting any power and might be bad or unsupported hardware problem. anything further is above my head.
I've updated the bios and turned off fast boot. I don't know how to change power settings but the drive is warm.
well power is getting through so got to be a software issue or the pci card /slot is bad. visibly check the pins for things like
and make sure it's connected correctly.
It's the 2.5", plugged in via the m.2 but I can't see any damaged pins. I have tried it with two different u.2 to m.2 cards with no luck. I'm tempted to try this next: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Mini-SAS-HDx1-SFF-8643-to-PCIe-Gen-3-4-Lane-Adapter-/291631691902?hash=item43e69a787e:g:tQkAAOSwnipWYgNV, but that would eliminate the possibility of sli/crossfire which I rather wouldn't do.
Can anyone confirm that this should work?