Installing windows problem

Just picked up a laptop for cheap. Turned it on and tried to load up the internet browser and would just hang at a white blank screen as if were loading. Tried to reboot it a few times but never loaded a page.

Wanted to reinstall windows so I wiped the drive with DBAN's quick function for a clean install. The dban process took a while and looked over to see under the statistics box there was a error's section. It was going up gradually and as it was going up I noticed the % process of the drive being wiped was somewhat in a sluggish standstill. The errors section showed 170 errors and possibly more. At this time the dban process was stuck around 51%. Then about 10 minutes later it was complete with 0 non fatal errors. It didn't seem right as it finished so quickly after 50% but I don't know. First time using it. 

Restarted it and put in a usb drive with W7 on it. First time windows didn't see the drive at all. Restarted and then it seen it. Now I go to install but windows said something about it couldn't install on disk 0. Looked around google and came across a way to partitition the drive. So I did. Got passed the couldn't install to disk 0 and as it was installing it stayed at 0% then game me another error. 

This is where I'm stuck at now. 

EDIT: Error code 0x80070057 

Took the HDD out and swapped it for the 60gb PS3 hdd. Now I can boot up dban again and it doesn't hang like the last hdd did. Wiping all the ps3 stuff whatever was on there. At 10%. I'll let you know how my progress goes. Seems like a bad drive that was causing the issue. Hell might even go with a 64gb SSD for the laptop since I will use it for a media streamer anyways. Might upgrade to 4gb ram. Don't know if I can replace the CPU. It's a single core celeron 900. 

Your drive may be corrupted and may have to be reformatted

How much memory do you have in the laptop? sometimes W7 wont load without enouph memory