Installing windows 7 through usb

I'm trying to use my usb to boot windows 7. everything was fine until i got to the installing windows process. It would take its time and say it completed installing windows but after that it repeats the installing windows process over again everytime. How do I fix this ? I tried taking the usb out when windows was rebooting but didn't work :/

You have the USB set as a the first boot device. You need to change it back probably. Same happens with any .iso I have noticed.

so just switch it back to harddrive first ?

I believe so, or just remove the USB right after it reboots and says done for first time.You really should be using just the boot options instead of changing the boot priority on the mother board. Which really should be the secondary choice.

I went back to the bios and went to boot and click on something and now im at the completing installation part already. Taking its time too

Could be you need to re-do the installation. Something may have become corrupted with the reboots and going back to USB. It should be as simple as select USB to boot, reboot keep USB in but don't select it as an option. Same applies if you were doing it via cdrom. Is it still installing? I'm at work and occasionally checking the forums.

Well the issue seems more or less fixed, a simple explanation is that it keeps booting from USB which basically resets back to the installer. If you pull the USB during the BIOS/POST screen, it should actually boot to hard disk and complete the windows 7 setup.