Installing my first ssd

So I'm about to buy an ssd and I was wondering if there was any way I could keep all the files from my original hdd (steam games and saves etc) while moving the operating system onto the ssd. I've got over 400gb of games I don't want to have to redownload as well as work from university and photos.

I was also wondering if I could install windows 8.1 on my ssd if it would still be able to run the same steam from the original hdd without having to reinstall the games.


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Depending on which brand of SSD you are using, some come with software that only extracts the OS to the SSD. Other than that, there is programs out there that will do that job for you I will take a look tonight when I get home and link you, unless someone here knows the software.

You can install/migrate windows 8.1 and steam onto the SSD and change the game fold (steamapps) location in steam setting to the game folder on the HDD.

The game files are located in Program Files/Steam/SteamApps. If you install a new OS then install steam you can just copy that folder over from your old hard drive. You might have to install the games again but it won't have to download anything, it will just check that the files are there.


Awesome I just wasn't sure if I could or not and I didn't want to risk it, Thanks a lot :)


Thanks for the help, if anyone knows a link that'd be extra helpful but im sure I can find something that will work in the mean time.

Yeah.  you can either copy over the files to your SSD after you install your OS and Steam, or you can point Steam's game directory to your HDD and just leave them where they are.  Then just delete everything OS related on the HDD and just use it as a storage drive.

awesome man. I just got mine yesterday