Installig Linux or Windows 7 on a UEFI Ryzen laptop (2500U)

Is it possible to install Linux or Windows 7 in UEFI mode on a Ryzen laptop?

If so, what is the best method to install the OS?

Yes on Linux, and I imagine Windows 7 is possible too, although there may be driver problems. For Linux, choose a distribution that uses a very recent kernel, and then in the boot menu of the UEFI make sure you aren’t in a BIOS/Legacy mode. From there install as you normally would.

I know the integrated Vega GPUs have been a problem, but on the latest kernels you should be fine. Fedora 28 might install with a slightly out of date kernel, but once you upgrade (or install through the net installer), you should be fine.

I’d say give it a shot and let everyone know how it goes.

Any luck with Linux on your 2500U?
I’ve tried fedora 28 which worked fine minus the random craches and cpu soft locks. When I upgraded to 29 I could boot to GRUB but get black screen after. I’m going to try Ubuntu tonight. Might try Arch later