I'm k inda nervous about installing an intel CPU. I currently have a Pre-built PC but I want to replace my motherboard (currently an MSI H81-E33 mainly because my PCI-E slot is running at x8 (I confirmed its not the GPU, reset the CMOS, updated the BIOS, Drivers, did EVERYTHING to fix this). While I know the performance gain will be nelgible, I still plan on replacing my board with THIS:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132120&cm_re=asus_h97-_-13-132-120-_-Product (accidentally posted by pressing enter, I'm a bit new here)
My current specs:
Intel Core i5-4570
Nvidia Geforce GTX 760
600 Watt PSU
2 TB Seagate Barracuda
So because of the issue as stated above. Do you guys think its worth replacing the board? On top of that, how do I install an intel CPU Without bending the pins?
I saw that the board has a PCI-E 2.0 at 16x which is equal to PCI-E 3.0 8x I am only assuming that is what the program is reporting.
It honestly wont make a difference since the 760 wont even come close to saturating a PCI-E slot.
I would not advise this swap since it will only create some headaches, for one you are going to have driver incompatibility issues since the old motherboard drivers exist on the HDD, which in turn may make you install a fresh operating system, not only that you are essentially rebuilding the entire system.
If you are experienced I would say to do so since it would take about 30 to 40 minutes, but if this is your first time at least an entire hour with lots of double checking.
You will only start seeing problems with performance if you were to get something like a 980 TI or Titan X or Fury X.
Yeah, but both GPU-Z AND my BIOS is reporting 2.0 x8 (2.0 is the max my board has)
That's still 3.0 X4. Even the 290 has a hard time saturating X4.. Pcie 3 is ahead of its tkme
Tek Syndicate as well as every other respectable hardware channel has how to build pc videos that do a great job explaining the proper way to install a cpu. also not sure why you're worried about 2.0 x8 with a 760... if it was something like a Fury X or 980 TI I could see the potential concern.
Well thats re-assuring news, but I'd like to get to 3.0 x16 so it'd be best in the long run.
At the same time though, my friend told me about his 470 and he accidentally put it in the wrong slot (2.0 x8) and he noticed a 20 FPS loss. However from what I hear, modern day cards like the 600-900 series use some memory compressor so its more forgiving with 3.0 x4. Is this true?
did you check the bios for the pci-e link speed settings?
Also if a card is at idle, its normal wenn the pci-e numbers reported by gpu-Z go down.
What does it show wenn you are in gaming, and the card is on full load?
Does it show pci-e 3.0 16x then?
Wenn my card is at idle, GPU Z reports its running at pci-e 1.1.
But as soon as i fire up games, and start gaming, it automaticly changes to the correct numbers.
This is normal.
It would in no way be worth replacing that board when you are running a GTX 760. You should spend that 90$ on getting a SSD. It would be way more beneficial.
As for installing a Intel CPU. Skip to 3:45
Just a question for all you guys. How do you embed a YT video to start at a certain point?