I subscribe to Michael Moore who demonstrated recently how to stream video files from linux terminal to your chromecast - here. His 'how to' is shown with Manjaro (Arch Linux) and is pretty simple to do. I run Manjaro on one box but use primarily Ubuntu/Debian based distro's so I wanted to try this on one of them and I have those steps outlined here and thought others would benefit from this:
castnow allows you to stream from your terminal to your Chromecast any support ffile format (video, photo)
Installation Requires Node.js installation
1) Install Node.js
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
2) Install npm (Node.js Package Manager)
sudo apt-get install npm
3) Create a Symbolic Link
sudo ln -s “$(which node.js)” /usr/bin/node
4) Install castnow
sudo npm install castnow -g
5) Steam a video
Cast Now controls found here: https://github.com/xat/castnow