So, even though I'm really happy with my current setup (complete list on my profile) I was given a nice opportunity. In the next few months a really big electronics store in my area will close down and I can basically get whatever GPU I want with a 30+% discount. I usually wouldn't upgrade right now, but it is just such a nice deal.
So, what would be your suggestions? I don't want to blow all my money, I just want to save some in the long run. Should I add a second 770? Maybe go for a 780ti or 290x and sell my current GPU? I'm afraid that the 2GB of VRAM on the 770s could be a problem in the future if I go SLI. The 2GB are absolutely fine right now, but with double the horsepower behind them they seem a bit tiny. The 290x would be pretty hot/loud and the 780ti will be pretty expensive.
What would you do in my place? Or am I missing another obvious choice? I can't decide right now and I'm really thankful for all input.
for a 30 percent discount i would go for a 290x since you think the 780ti will be too expensive.
I'm still a bit reluctant when it comes to the 290/290x. The extreme heat and noise could be pretty annoying, so I guess I would want an aftermarket cooler for that. Mantle is still not a thing, I haven't tried true audio yet, etc. The 780ti would cost me ~ 530€ and the 290x ~ 400€ (totally depending on the manufacturer and the specific model, but that's the approximate price for them accross the board) And what about SLI-ing my current 770? I always thought that dual-gpu systems were pretty decent from a price/performance standpoint. At least when it comes to raw power.
Extreme heat and noise? Okay no.
Yes the reference designs do run hot and loud but any of the aftermarket cards, like the DCUII model from ASUS or TwinFrozer designs from MSI, run cool and quiet and leave plenty of room for OCing. They aren't that much more then reference designs and can even be cheaper in some cases.
Mantle is a wash. More games are supporting it now but performance increases aren't massive and really are only there on rigs with low power CPUs and GPUs.
True Audio is a pretty schweet feature IMO.
The 780Ti will of course be faster but that is up to you to decide if it is worth the extra money.
SLI/Crossfire is something that I would stay away from. First off, by adding a second GPU you are effectively doubling the heat, noise, and power draw of your rig as well as restricting airflow inside of the case. For what benefit?
Well, SLI/XFire can substantially increase performance of course but is it worth the hassle? Most games do not see double the performance. On average you may see a 40-65% increase in performance. Maybe. Some games will see little increase and some will actually see a drop in framerate. Others will not work at all. Not to mention microstuttering and frame time issues.
In mine and many others experience dual GPU set ups are way more trouble than they are worth. A single more powerful GPU is always preferable.
Decisions, decisions...... I guess I'll see if I can get a nice deal on an R9 290x with a good cooler, if not I'll maybe stick with my 770 and upgrade in a year or two. Either the Asus or the Sapphire Tri-X seem like good choices.