You say he should do more research, you should too. The notion that consoles are going to "go away" because they are becoming like PCs is due to a poor understanding of games hardware.
Whether they're classed as "PCs" or not doesn't matter, it's the same as people who insist that Macs aren't PCs (they are).
Typically, the difference with consoles isn't the format that the hardware comes in, it's the first party, console manufacturer produced/owned games that are the most important part.
It doesn't matter that the consoles are using X86-64 instruction sets, that's immaterial.
That doesn't help with "ports" because, well ports don't really exist, this means that games are NOT ported between consoles, or from console to PC, the only things that will be ported is game engines, not games themselves. Games are specifically compiled for the intended platform, not converted from one to the other. This is another thing people try to discuss with authority despite having no idea at all what they're talking about.
It implies that a console game will run on a PC simply because they use the same instruction sets, which shows even more ignorance.
If we follow the same logic, Windows applications would run on OSX or Linux as is, because they're the same instruction sets, right?
No not really, it's ignoring the differing APIs that the games are wrote to use.
Consoles will continue to exist as long as companies are producing them to sell their own first party games on, when they aren't is when they will disappear (if), not because they are coming more inline with a typical PC.