Influence of NextGen Consoles on PC Hardware prices

How will the new Xbox and Playstation influence the prices for PC Hardware? 

Surely many are already putting money aside or will, to buy themselves one these. 

This is probably putting additional pressure on sales together with smartphones, tablets and other short lived dead end live style products with their 3 month fashionability, more comparable to the new RayBan glasses than any technology. 

Hardware manufacturers are forced to make a decision on ether rising prices, which is the most likely, or lowering them, in the hope to sell more units and compete with consoles.

Or maybe slim down their portfolio ?

History could give the best indication but this forum could chip in too.


Nope , Have no interest in buying a xbone or a ps4 . I own a pc thats far more powerful than anything they have to offer . Why would I want to downgrade ?  In my opinion , The console thing is leading into making pc gaming more affordable . You know tha apu concept and such . So i am not really sure what you are getting at . You should actually do more research on the pc side before you throw out statements like that . In reality the console gaming is going to die in this form . They are already becoming small pcs and to go any further they are going to have to cross the line into pcs . :)~

PC hardware prices will likely drop, not due to manufacturers trying to compete with the consoles, but because consoles will push games development on again as it does at the beginning of every generation.

The lowest common denominator suddenly becomes a lot more powerful, which means games coming out on PC go up in visual quality as well as required computation complexity.

Regardless of whether you're a fan of consoles, you should at appreciate or acknowledge the influence they have on the games industry. Games wouldn't be where they are today without the consoles, despite the fact that people love to incorrectly claim that consoles have been holding PC gaming back.

Consoles pushed playing games from this niche pass time people were ashamed to admit they enjoyed, to something that most people enjoy in some form.


You say he should do more research, you should too. The notion that consoles are going to "go away" because they are becoming like PCs is due to a poor understanding of games hardware.

Whether they're classed as "PCs" or not doesn't matter, it's the same as people who insist that Macs aren't PCs (they are).

Typically, the difference with consoles isn't the format that the hardware comes in, it's the first party, console manufacturer produced/owned games that are the most important part.

It doesn't matter that the consoles are using X86-64 instruction sets, that's immaterial.

That doesn't help with "ports" because, well ports don't really exist, this means that games are NOT ported between consoles, or from console to PC, the only things that will be ported is game engines, not games themselves. Games are specifically compiled for the intended platform, not converted from one to the other.  This is another thing people try to discuss with authority despite having no idea at all what they're talking about.

It implies that a console game will run on a PC simply because they use the same instruction sets, which shows even more ignorance.

If we follow the same logic, Windows applications would run on OSX or Linux as is, because they're the same instruction sets, right?

No not really, it's ignoring the differing APIs that the games are wrote to use.

Consoles will continue to exist as long as companies are producing them to sell their own first party games on, when they aren't is when they will disappear (if), not because they are coming more inline with a typical PC.


We will see . I can site resources and reasons why i think about it the way i do but i dont really care about console gaming .

This is the way it's been with each new generation.

Why are you putting spaces before full stops, but not using apostrophes?

 Writing is not my strong point . Its something i am working to better communicate with other people .


I used to have that problem. There's no need for a space before the full stop. Think of it as slamming down the breaks in a car, there's no pause before you do it, but it takes you a second to start again. 

Honestly I think what we traditionally think of PCs and consoles are going to depend on how the bandwidth pipeline is handled. To me a discussion about PC vs Console is like the discussion between HDDVD and Blueray; by the time there was a "Winner" I was already streaming Netflix and Hulu.

With that in mind when I try to visualize the future I envision companies bringing fiber to the last mile like Logan, Google and Microsoft seem to want. Then the future will probably see more sever side farming or whatever the technical term for that is. You can hints with that path with Microsoft's Xbox One and the way Rock* has done GTA Online. While we will still have machines, I doubt they will most likely be any more powerful then they are today or frankly if it will matter who manufactured them or what they are termed. Cloud computing has the potential to be significantly cheaper then computing in the home, to the point where the cycle of upgrading a console or PC will be as ridiculous as using a kerosene lantern or candles to light your home.

Then again the future is nebulous and fusion power and quantum computing could be here by 2015, new tech loves to throw around predictions. Sorry in advance for the text wall.

I agree its not going to be platform specific much longer .

What I do wonder is how the big three will respond and mind you while this is totally speculation on my part, I believe we are already seeing some of this. The capabilities that Kinect has, being able to search the web, power on, control video and play games by voice and gestures or the Wii's peripherals like the Wii-mote and the touchpad controller. I think we might see them turning to first party games and peripherals manufacturer then traditional console hardware manufacturing.

Perhaps we will see a world where you or I could play a game with a Kinect, Wii-mote, PlayStation controller, mouse and keyboard or weird fusions of those combinations. Imagine for a second how many APM's you could squeeze out of Starcraft, if you could order production at your base with your voice, al la End War while using your mouse and key board for micro control. Not sure my brain could handle it, then again I haven't tried.

 I don't think this is what he said. Also, please work on those spaces before full stops. Ask around here if you need to know the dos and don'ts, I'd imagine there's plenty of people that would be happy to help, myself being one of them.

Perhaps we will see a world where you or I could play a game with a Kinect, Wii-mote, PlayStation controller, mouse and keyboard or weird fusions of those combinations. Imagine for a second how many APM's you could squeeze out of Starcraft, if you could order production at your base with your voice, al la End War while using your mouse and key board for micro control. Not sure my brain could handle it, then again I haven't tried.

Whilst it doesn't meet your scenario exactly, a lot of that IS possible NOW with the PC, with how you can use Wiimotes, PS3 controllers and kinects on PC for inputs.