Just saw a new inbox.exe video and i saw a strange thing there.. the moment when Logan switch from the fullscreen cam scene to the desktop/monitor capture with 2 cameras..there is a short lag.
I know Logan is using OBS (open broadcaster software) - and you can avoid this if you add your camera as a global source. I´m using this for streaming in a similar setup but on Win7 and after you add your stuff that you use on multiple scenes as a global source (specially a camera/capture card), it will switch scenes without a visible delay.
try it, would like to see how it works on win8/8.1 :-)
P.S. thx to logan & pistol for their videos (Logan VS Pistol rig and just the single videos with all the PC parts) - got some new fancy hardware and its working great. the best of 2 worlds, intel i7 and AMD R9 GPU with Mantle so everyone should be happy ^_^