So about an hour ago my current motherboard, an F2A88X-UP4, died. I had been having tons of problems with the board prior to its demise. I am now completely finished with Gigabyte boards, and if I get my board repaired I am going to sell it buy a new one.
I would like some feedback on a selection of boards that I am currently debating over getting. I currently have an A10-6790K but I want an A88X board for when I get a 7850K.
Yeah those are the 2 that I am looking at the most but its hard to choose, and I'm hoping that someone possibly has one of those boards so I don't get burned like I did with the gigabyte
Well mostly with an Asus board you can´t realy go wrong.
Im personaly not a big fan of gigabyte boards at all, i just read to manny issue´s with them overall. and i also had bad experiance with some gigabyte boards.. that i allmost never recommend one. ☺
I am most likely going to get the Asus board, but I will have to see how much I get from the gigabyte once I get it RMA'd but if I don't have enough then I'll take the Asrock. I just hope the Asus board will support my 2400MHz RAM. Anyways, the Asus is my first choice