I would like to kick off a discussion on what has to be done to improve the experience with creative programs on GNU/Linux. Do you even share my opinion, that Audio-/Video- Editing Software (and maybe even image-manipulation/illustrating-software) is less satisfying on GNU/Linux than on Windows and/or OSX?
One reason for me to dualboot is that I'm very used to programs like REAPER / Cubase and many important (windows-)VST's, and I doubt that (for example) ardour can replace that. But I admit that I should try that, before complaining. And I will!
So is there only a need for good software-alternatives or is there more to it?
Should we maybe start our investigation with the underlaying ALSA, PULSEAUDIO, JACK, WINEASIO or even with the plain hardware support? I don't really know if my hardware (Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, ESI Juli@) will work correctly with Linux. (And again, I will try!) But I would like to avoid messing with wine etc..
This is actually the reason why I'm starting this thread. I know Adobe Premiere Pro (with windows) and Final Cut (OSX). I haven't found a comparable program on Linux. Kdenlive seems to be ok for the basic stuff, but it has some bugs, that can be really annoying. Lightworks seems to be a good option, but sadly it does not run that well too. (crashes every time I try to import my videos in the timeline)
When it comes to effects / animations Blender surely can offer a lot (and as far as I can tell) it runs really smoothly.
From my experience GIMP and Inkscape can keep up with similar programs on other operating systems. But this is not everyones opinion, even Logan said once, that he would switch to Linux as soon as Adobe programs are available there.
I know that I will try to get Lightworks to work, so that I can compare it fairly. Besides that I hope that I can get rid of the kdenlive bugs, in order to be productive at all. The audio stuff will be a nice adventure, but I fear that there is no real substitution for amplitube and superior drummer...
With this thread I'm trying to collect an averaged opinion on this topic. Do you think that the available programs already offer enough features and stability for professional use? What is the worst problem / Where should we start to improve this situation?