Hey guys, i was mucking around the other day on w3m and i got thinking about how cool it would be to go full text. So what i mean by that is, converting the images on a webpage to a ascii version and then inserting the ascii in place of the original. I've done a bit of searching on the interwebs about it in the hope that someone has already done this but i found nothing. im guessing it would be done using something like img2txt and then adding a script to the config of w3m. Any of you guys seen or done anything like this before? Any info would be awesome.
Side note: Not just interested in options for w3m. Elinks is awesome as well so yeah, im happy either way. im just having a look at playing with the spidermonkey part of elinks now.
This is totally off topic but I must point out that the evidence of your geekiness lies not only in the fact that you want to see your friends' vacation pictures in ACSII in a webbrowser that runs in a terminal but even more so in your menubar where the battery level of your laptop is displayed with two decimal accuracy.
Does it make me any less nerdy if i told you thats just a picture of me? But you are correct that if i get this working i will eventually look at an ascii version of a friend on a vacation.
It certainly would; swaggy beard yo. Must say though that the Teksyndicate forums are probably not the right place for these kind of questions as it's pretty technical. I think you've got a better shot at getting an answer you can work with if you post it on stackoverflow.