i dunno yall complain about big brother, illegal surveillance and all that bollix.
then read you are wanting to build the very tools that will use to monitor you. ??
you should be figuring out how to break and circumvent them.
corporations and governments have stolen your right to anonymity. and now they want you to build the tools that gives them even more intrusive power.
i know it seems fun and cool…
but facial rec is a monster we dont want to build.
coz who knows what the next guy in power will use it for.
the faces on the databases your using…
most of the people on them are unaware for what purpose there facebook and other socials are being used for by said companies. or even that there data is being mined for such things.
my point is. i can see you want to play with fire, a fire that will burn this house down.
so maybe you want to consider striking the match in the first place?.
The fuck are you talking about? Did you read this tread at all? I’m trying to identify collectable cards, not people. While I feel I may generally agree with the point you’re making, take your soap box elseware.
not a soap box at all.
facebook started with an innocuous file upload, zuckerberg was just a nerd in his bedroom.
maybe if he thought twice about what he’s now done.
maybe facebook wouldn’t be the monster its grown into.
You do realize that ‘the very tools’ to make face recognition (and many other things) work we already have in spades?
You are talking as if you needed to prevent the invention of something… Yet nobody here has suggested inventing anything.
The op didn’t ask for help with his great next invention either, but wants to recognize magic cards. Which is nothing out of the ordinary these days… You don’t have to make a tool to be able to do that you choose one to use.
So even if someone where to agree with you stance on this matter. Your argument makes no sense if you know what’s possible these days. Recognizing magic cards is certainly not an act of evil.
my post was about facial rec in general and to remind us all what its being used for.
so may not be something we want to play with.
and looking at level one news im not the only one starting to think we have made a mistake allowing some kinds of ai development because its going to and is being abused.
have you seen the prices some of the cards go for?..
i think pretty soon he’s the only one who will be able to afford em. coz he’s made billions since he moved out of his mothers garage with his kickstarter for a social media platform.
he’s already taken over the world.
so if he does come for your poke deck…
you dont want some one saying… hey i have an AI routine you can have for a few million, mark. it will spot any poke card you want in the entire country if you plug it in…
just because they built it, doesnt mean we have to allow its use.
that being said getting the people that are meant to work for us and look after our interests, to do something about it.
yeah that’s another thing.
even getting a local mp to take any notice is an ask, they tend to look at you with bemused why you talking to me about this eyes
earlier this year i approached mine about the gdpr for covid track and trace, to asked if it could be made opt in.
her reply was government policy blah blah.
i said she should really change it before the database is hacked and they lose data or someone abuses it.
sure enough 8 months later and there has been at least 3 reports of the data being abused by 3rd parties. some of whom never had authorised access to the data…
currently she’s to busy to take a meeting with covid restrictions and the like
Please don’t do this, all this supposed “ethics” talk will just lead to the tech being criminalized outside of government issued certs while the Leviathan keeps doing what it wants.
its not supposed ethics mate theres ethical and unethical.
and most of the tracking, monitoring and such are and have been used unethically…
so no mate. there should be basic standards of ethics.
such and not implementing ai on a kill bot that only has a 25% chance of identifying its targets correctly.
or police using ai that has a 90% chance of identifying a bad guy and evel less of a chance if they happen to be black.
Some legislation around this isn’t bad per say. For example I would not want my insurance company to decide wether or not i will be able to afford my insurance next month based on a surveillance system.
But banning specific technology behind it is redicolous and a very fragile way to define laws. And if you ban recognizing magic cards while you are at it you done did it wrong.