You know that you can get a much cheaper 1440p or 1600p monitor than that? Alos, Apple, despite my hate for them, can shove some good stuff in those iMacs, even if they are mobile parts and overpriced.
It would seem you missed this being in the funny/joke thread. the 1600p display represets the "Retina Display" and the duct tape is to be used to attach the parts to the back of it. This is just me apple bashing after having to set up my neighbours $4000 "Complete Apple Setup" all day because of apple's "everything is automated and super user friendly". Only problem is when the automation doesn't work there is no way to do it manually.
Mac OSX is very powerful in its own sense; it's tied together well, and has plenty of fantastic software. Macs are overpriced, yes, but hating a company is pointless. Apple products, at launch, aren't that bad in terms of price/performance. Are they for gamers? No, but that's not what they're meant for.
I love the sleak aluminium indstrial design; the unibody build quality is superb, as well. Sure, I will never buy one, but they do produce some well built products, like the Mac Pros (laptops). If you want to bash a company, bash it with facts.
I neither love nor hate apple. I was just frustrated that it kept failing and there was nothing i could do to fix it you just have to keep restarting untill it works (we were trying to copy files from windows to mac and it kept failing half way through, eventually it worked and we got the 200GB's across)
I have owned my Macbook for 5 years and it works like it did out of the box, not once have I had a problem with it (wish the same could be said for my mums 6 month old sony Vaio) It has done absolutely everything I need perfectly from photo editing in lightroom and photoshop to video editing... I am however swapping to a soon to be custom built PC as I don't need the portability of the Macbook and don't want to get an iMac seeing as I know that I can actually build an alternative myself. With that said I think the reason why my Macbook has lasted so well is solely down to the OS and optimisation.
You're the one who set it up for him, it keeps "failing", and thousands of other people have few/no problems? Does the blame fall to Apple or you? Based on your posts, I'm thinking the latter.
They have been the cause of a lot of legal dooshbaggery
You are paying for desktop parts at a price higher than you can buy desktop ones in a desktop computer.
This nonsence that they can't get viruses is not true, many macs get viruses. There will be many more macs getting viruses because more people are using OSX. It was the case that there were more windows viruses because there were maore windows computers. Since people think that Macs are invinsible to viruses and people who own Macs dont know much about viruses, many will sufferrrrrrrrrr.
The best way to buy a desktop is to build it yourself, get a better computer suited to your needs and for cheaper.
It is incredible how you can pay more for less. I cannot argue with their marketting strategy because my god it is working.
I mean sure, they offer unique design. OSX may look powerfull and user friendly; But that's not weird considering the fact that everything is locked down.
If you are lazy or not technical I can understand a bit why you want a pre-chewed iMac. But it does not justify the price. It only justifies how lazy you are.