This is my planned build. Basically, anything with a price is what I bought, or will be buying.
I'm wondering how this is going to be for editing. Before you attack me for not buying a GTX, let me just say this. Id edit in Sony Vegas. I don't use AE. I do a little photoshop, but not that much. I'm hoping that the 6 cores, oc'd, will be a big leap over my current core 2 quad. I don't need a massive editing machine. I already have the 5850 (which is the actualy radeon card, not an asus) and I'm eventually buying another radeon, most likely. I'm not really looking to invest a bunch of money in a GTX because I'm more of a gamer than an editor anyway, and from what I understand, you'll get better value from a Radeon anyhow.
As far as the rest of the pc goes, excluding the graphics card, what do you guys think? Could this handle editing videos decently?
I also have a 8800 GT that I was consdering throwing in this build because I've been hearing about people who are doing so to take advantage of physx. Can anyone explain how that works and what the point of it is? It interests me.