Hello, this is my first post on the forums. Though I have been watching the news since it started and been a patreon for about a year. I finally got something worth sharing/asking I suppose.
My standalone music equipment mostly use sd cards. In particular, My Roland 404sx’s handle hotswapping them very well actually even while it’s in the middle of shit. I can hardly ever remember a single corrupted file after some kind of operation or transfer and not a single corrupted sd card of the many i use on this thing.
I’m aware the standard serial interface that these cards use couldn’t just juggle connections between 2 devices (right?!) I’m fine with a hard switch between the connections of the media from the sampler to the computer. But surely I can do this passively, without the use of a powered board in a conventional “serial switch”, right??? I’m fine with fabricating something here, I’m just trying to imagine the best way of going about this.
TLDR; sd card hotswappable device. i wanna seamlessly switch the connection to my computer without moving or unplugging anything.
Thanks in advance