I'm thinking of Motherboard upgrade

ATM I have Asrock AB350 PRO4.
Gorgeous little bastard, I mainly picked it up because 1 cheap and 2 color scheme. Fits perfectly with the rest of my system. But now I am thinking of upgrading the board to Asrock X470 Taichi. Less than 200 euros, have absolutely all the features I can possibly need, have the upgrade path all the way to 3000 CPUs and according to the latest information there will be compatibility BIOS with 4000 series CPUs and it works with my current Ryzen 1700X.
I don’t care about PCIe 4.0, so that’s no selling point for me.

I need:

  1. Stability, because I had issues before
  2. Debug features, because I had issues before
  3. Black and white colors

Is there anything other than X470 TaiChi, that I need to consider? Because I don’t think there is.

PS: WTF does this mean?
The fast M.2 slot is the one that is compatible with SATA, so I can’t have a fast NVMe and a SATA M.2 drive? And what is that PCIe 2 supposed to mean?

I haven’t read the manual, but the second m.2 slot might be gen2 x4 lanes since it runs through the chipset?

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Means it’s PCIe 2.0

If you’re gonna upgrade I’d spring for a X570.

This one if you’re willing to live with some red accents


Since when is ANYTHING gen 2?

That is massively more expensive dude…
I was thinking of B550 Vision D by Gigabyte, since it’s pretty much the perfect board, but even that is 50% more expensive than the Taichi X470. Also, the 500 boards won’t work with my Ryzen 1700X.

Lanes from the X470 chipset are PCIe 2.0.


Bandwidth limitations between the cpu and chipset?

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Really? Didn’t know that.

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Fun fact: Vision D only supports 3000 series CPUs…

If you’re planning to eventually upgrade, why not wait for Ryzen 4000 and get a 4700x? and a B550 mobo?


Because that would need BIOS update. I am calling it now. When Ryzen 4000 comes out, ALL B550 and X570 boards would need BIOS updates and we will be at the same position we were before… And at that point I won’t be able to use my 1700X to update…

That does indeed seem likely. But when 3000 came out, after a while the B450 boards came with the updated bios, so no need to it yourself. But doesn’t most board have the bios flashback nonsense, so they don’t require a cpu to update?

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I guess so.
If things go well I may even go for B550 Vision D, if the price comes down at least a little bit, because JESUS FOKIN CHRIST AMD, dafak is that pricing?

Id just keep what you have until you can get a better CPU at the same time.


Agree with @Adubs. None of the 3 “needs” aren’t met by keeping what you have. Don’t waste your money on a mobo upgrade if you aren’t adding a new CPU and faster ram or storage.

What do you use the system for? If gaming then a mobo upgrade will have zero impact. If productivity you would need to swap the CPU as well to get measurable benefot


The thing is, I don’t need an upgrade. The system I have is absolutely perfect as it is. I had a boot issue some time ago, that I am convinced is caused by thermals. It shows up in the winter and goes away in the summer. Every year for the last 3 since I had the system.
All my gaming and everything needs are absolutely met by the system I already have. I just started a job so I kinda want to treat my system to something nice.
There is nothing I really need. It’s more of a “I want to and I kinda can afford to now”.

what does availability of the 3300x look like for you?

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Not great, It can be found, but very rarely and I don’t really trust the stores that have it, so not great.


3600x it is?

or are you going straight for the 4000 series when you can?

Non of those is really an upgrade for me… If we are talking heavy workloads 3600 is about as good as 1700X, and gaming wise my RX 480 already hits it’s limits and the CPU is idling.
Honestly, I do not need upgrade. I kinda just want one while I can afford it :smiley:

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they are an upgrade in both performance and power consumption. The 1st gen didnt age well compared to zen2.

You should probably just save though. You always complain about not having money :wink: