hmm, well... i guess i wrote this when i was tired and didnt make my self that clear.... atm im building a mineral oil tank at school, so im thinking of incorporating a peltier cooling loop.
there are a few problems, like how to get a power supply to power 3 peltiers, i have found supplies with variable voltage and amperage, which would be ideal, but the problem is, they are all under 5 amps,.... the peltiers im looking at are 8.5 amp, maximum watts 127.5. and hey operate from 0 to 15 volts. is it possible to use a cheapo 450 watt psu or something???
here is a rough idea of what i was thinking, its 2:25 here... and im too lazy to make a good design with accurate measurements in a real CAD software... so here is a shitty google sketchup mock up thing:
edit: the chambers would have heatsinks on them, being cooled by air (2 fans each) and would be blowing the air upward, so the bottom most peltier would be the coolest... the hot air would be ducted out a window or something....
edit #2: who ever said it would be expensive: --- 350 watt, 30 amp, 12 volt power supply (24 dollars plus shipping) --- 5 peltiers (91 watts each, i will be using 3) [25 dollars + shipping)
case materials --- accrilic sheets / sheet aluminum, supplied by my school, but i will give my teacher 20 bucks to be nice :)
milling / plastic welding --- also, all done at school, by me.... so that's not going to cost anything but time.
so far its cheaper than a store bought case, and 60 dollars in mineral oil will be cheaper than an after market cooler.