ok i want/need to upgrade my pc because its not the best for anything much apart from wating youtube videos but i'm not sure what to upgrade first
CPU-AMD FX 4100 3.6Ghz
GPU- ATI Raedon HD 6450
do i upgrade the gpu first or the cpu. i was thinking about getting the gtx 770 and later a AMD FX 6350. i mainly use my pc for gaming at 1080p. i play a lot of FPS games like metro last light, NS2 and skyrim
ilzy makes a great point indeed, and that power supply is beast, i got it in my rig and i know for a fact i can upgrade with no hassle, need that power breathing room haha.
ok thanks i needed a new psu the one i have ia a 450w no name one that came with my pc. But i was wondering once i have a new psu what do i upgrade next ? do i get the gpu or cpu.
Here is a great 80+ Gold psu form a great brand. I have the 650W version, and it is fantastic. With 550W, you should be able to power something like an 8350 and a 7950 with no problems at all (once you upgrade everything). I would definitely upgrade the video card first, but a good way to gauge it would be to monitor the cpu and gpu usage while in-game. The second link will show you how to set it up to do just that (you can find youtube videos to help you out as well).
I just wanted to mention that a 6350 is not the CPU I would get if I was upgrading, I would just go with a 6300 because it takes less power, and it is clocked a little slower but you won't notice the difference if you are gaming. The 6300 is also $10 or so less than the 6350. I would get the 6300 if you are going for a low wattage power supply to avoid having hiccups or issues because of it not outputting enough power. I have also heard things about Corsair's PSUs having sound issues, where the fan just blares full blast every couple minutes or so, I would go with a Seasonic, EVGA, or Xigmatek for the PSU. I, personally, have a Seasonic X750 because I wanted to have this PSU for years and years to come, and even be able to use it if I tried SLI or Crossfire with some lower-powered cards like GTX 760s.
yer thats no problem so long as you can put a small overclock on it. and mabie the fans ramp up randomley because it is full of dust and just needs a clean.
and once i get the psu what would you recomend i upgrade the gpu or the cpu ?. i think i shoulg do the gpu first then save up and get the cpu but im not sure because this is my first build/upgrade
You should upgrade the GPU first, the FX-6300 is a mid-ranged CPU and will not bottleneck for up to a GTX 690/Radeon 7990. I also wouldn't SLI with two PCIe 3.0 cards, on a PCIe 2.0 motherboard because there is a small loss in performance because of the bandwith. SLI'ing is okay and still offers tangible performance if the card is PCIe 3 and the motherboard only has PCIe 2.0 ports, but a you will lose a small amount of performance. I wouldn't stay with AMD if you want to upgrade the CPU, as you will be missing out on some of Haswell's motherboard features, like full SATA 6GB/s, PCIe 3.0, and other awesome features.
well i havent got the money for a complete new build atm so i wont be getting a new mobo untill i fnd a steady sourse of money. the mobo that i have atm has 1 pcie 2.0 16x and i wouldent even want to go any higher than a gtx 770 and tha AMD fx 6300 on it then i would be getting bottlenecks from the mobo.
If you are only doing gaming, get the Asus, MSI, or Gigabyte 7970. You can get an OC'd version if it is important to you, but OC'ing yourself isn't that hard with today;s technology and you can find guides online.
All of the Battlefield games are AMD powered, and all the new consoles will be AMD powered. The games will be a bit more optimized for AMD and the 7970 has 3GB of VRAM vs. the 2GB of VRAM on the GTX 770, the extra 1GB of VRAM on the 7970 will help with high resolution textures for the game. The AMD card is also better for Bitcoin mining, by a long stretch, if you are intersted in doing that.