I'm new to computer shopping/building

Hello everyone, I recently got excited about bulild my own computer. I'm looking for an overall high performance computer, and a good gaming rig. Doesn't have to be a dream machine, or a super-computer. 30-40 average fps is great for me. 1000$ is my limit, thoughts?

You can get 30-40 FPS on a $400 system. Also, think you might regret the openess of your, uh, username.

What the hell? Lol thanks, oops. So you're saying that these 750$-1000$ systems are made for something like 60 fps??

if you need an OS in the price or if you live in a different country let me know

shouldn't be a game it would get lower than 40FPS unless its crazy 2560x1600 stuff

I live in Canada, and sadly whenever I click your links they don't bring me to the CPU,GPU etc, they bring my to the homepage at newegg.ca. I do need an OS, so I can just add 100$ for Windows 7

part list from NCIX.ca

MB http://ncix.com/products/?sku=69231&vpn=Z77A-G45&manufacture=MSI%2FMicroStar&promoid=1061

PSU  http://ncix.com/products/?sku=33041&vpn=OCZ600MXSP&manufacture=OCZ%20Technology

GPU http://ncix.com/products/?sku=67546&vpn=GV-R795WF3-3GD&manufacture=Gigabyte&promoid=1061

case http://ncix.com/products/?sku=55583&vpn=RC-912-KKN1&manufacture=COOLERMASTER

HD http://ncix.com/products/?sku=74462&vpn=WD10EZEX&manufacture=Others&promoid=1061

ssd http://ncix.com/products/?sku=69936&vpn=VTX4-25SAT3-128G&manufacture=Others&promoid=1061

ram http://ncix.com/products/?sku=55445&vpn=CMX8GX3M2A1600C9&manufacture=Corsair

CPU http://ncix.com/products/?sku=70541&promoid=1061

dvd http://ncix.com/products/?sku=49597&vpn=DRW-24B1ST%20Bulk&manufacture=ASUS&promoid=1061


MB http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=69231&vpn=Z77A-G45&manufacture=MSI%2FMicroStar&promoid=1061

PSU http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=33041&vpn=OCZ600MXSP&manufacture=OCZ%20Technology

gpu http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=67546&vpn=GV-R795WF3-3GD&manufacture=Gigabyte&promoid=1061

case http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=55583&vpn=RC-912-KKN1&manufacture=COOLERMASTER

hd http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=74462&vpn=WD10EZEX&manufacture=Western%20Digital%20WD&promoid=1061

ssd(will not affect gaming performance) http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=69936&vpn=VTX4-25SAT3-128G&manufacture=OCZ%20Technology&promoid=1061

ram http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=55445&vpn=CMX8GX3M2A1600C9&manufacture=Corsair

cpu  http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=70541&vpn=BX80637I53570K&manufacture=Intel&promoid=1061

dvd  http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=49597&vpn=DRW-24B1ST%20Bulk&manufacture=ASUS&promoid=1061

1010 cad before mail in savings 940 cad after with the mailin savings buy a h60 or a ZALMAN CNPS11X Extreme

alright I'll make a canadian build sometime

Very VERY helpful, I appreciate your time, although it is over my budget. I don't really need super high graphic settings, I'd just like to play games on normal settings with like 35-40 fps. I can't believe this forum is so helpful!


Also for games, I'd like to play Garry's mod, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield 3, and possibly GW2 or Starcraft 2. (and hundreds of others :D)

Then i would go with a 7850 when the price drops and a 2500k or the 2450p (limited oc)




i'll get crap for this but you could go am3+ 119 for a ud3 mb and 150 for an fx8120 about 10% slower than the i5 but it can out proform the i5 in HEAVILY THREADED apps ie Virtual machines

amd cpu http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=61850&vpn=GA-990XA-UD3&manufacture=Gigabyte&promoid=106

am3+ mb http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=61850&vpn=GA-990XA-UD3&manufacture=Gigabyte&promoid=1061


if you go the amd route and go with the 7850 @160 then youl,l be at about 830 cad then you could get your windows os and put the money into a better cooler  and still be under 1k before mail in savings

Okay, thank you very much.