>didn't like Evangelion,
>and not sure how I feel about Cowboy Bebop.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Sh%C5%8Dnen just pick one. Simple
>didn't like Evangelion,
>and not sure how I feel about Cowboy Bebop.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Sh%C5%8Dnen just pick one. Simple
Gurren Lagann is great. People bag on it for being simple and stupid, but it's actually got a great theme throughout the entire show. A lot of anime nowadays is all fan service with a G string bikini for plot.
FLCL is one of my favorites still. It's short enough you can watch it a few times and actually understand what happened without spending a ridiculous amount of time.
Other than that I never really watch anime. The manga is always better. Unless it's Gainax.
You should watch Boku No Pico....jk don't. My personal favorite is Blue Exorcist.
The best thing I can give you as a suggestion is if you really want to get into anime or you like it you should watch them with subtitles rather than the english version i skimmed the replies and didnt really see a preference here. Once you get used to reading the subtitles it will be soo much better than the english versions so you might want to rewatch some of the anime you like in the japanese version see if you like that. Otherwise half of these you have to find with english dubs. A good solution for you to kind of find some your interested in watch is search for the trailers of the titles above or go to a streaming website such as animefreak.tv or gogoanime and go to there list of popular anime and watch some and see if you like it but if you just want english dubs you will have to search for the ones with english dubs or english voices which can be a hassle.
Good comedy animes Cromartie High School (english and japanese versions on youtube actually)
Gintama (japanese mostly)
If you find more what your into or have any questions ask and I should be able to help guide you to something that will be more helpful.
Zankyou no Terror, Aldnoah Zero and Tokyo Ghould are all currently on-going.
Death Note, Mirai Nikki, Full Metal Panic.
Some people loved Sword Art Online, others said it's shit. I think it's mediocre.
Angel beats, great anime, funny times. Top it off with balling my eyes out at the ending.
Since you enjoyed Spice and Wolf, I do recommend Baccano as it is from the same studio who did that and if you end up liking bebop you can go with some of Shinichiro Watanabe's (director of bebop) other action series which are Samurai Champloo, Zankyou no Terror, or even Space Dandy. For some recommendations not based on what you already watch, I think you would like Gurren Lagann and if you end up liking that, I'm pretty sure you would like Kill La Kill. If you want some post-apocalyptic action I recommend Desert Punk (the dub is superior for this).
Although I am already thinking your into action, I'll recommend bakemonogatari (though a lot can disagree with me) which is mystery-ish, or if you want a light hearted storyline you can go with Nichijou (another series people either love or hate).
So pretty much:
Here are some bonuses that might be considered some harder stuff to get into:
For the entire dub vs sub deal, just listen to both and see if the dub clicks with you, otherwise do sub.
You should watch death note its only 37 episodes but its really good
Yes you should watch it, i think is one of the best anime ever and with monster is why i like anime, and i hate all the child ones but hey i just an opinion
I direct to my list of shows that ive seen and rated. You can sort between scores, series, and movies.
Oh wow! A lot of suggestions. Thanks guys. I've been watching a lot of anime since I first posted this. And I gotta say, I love it. I finished watching Attack on Titan and it was cool. I'm currently watching Knights of Sidonia on netflix. Though I haven't had much time to try watching your suggestions. Work and school is a killer. BTW I don't have many friends on steam so if you guys want to add me I would appreciate it. My steam name is nonutopia. My profile pic is the foxhound logo from metal gear so you'll know its me. I'll play anything with you if we both happen to have the same online game.
my favorite is psycho pass
Glancing through the thread (I'm not about to read it all), there are a lot of realy good recommendations here. The thing that you have to remember is that anime isn't really a genre. It is basically completely separate from American shows. What I mean by that is that there are plenty of subgenres within anime. So, you can try many different genres of anime, or you can stick to what you know that you like. Like if you know that you like anime like FMA, then you can find plenty of anime like that. However, there are gems in every genre, and many times, there are genres that you didn't know that you would like. Some shows I absolutely adore, but I don't like any other anime in that genre. I say, try lots of different shows and watch what you like. A lot of the shows that most people will recommend are only ~26 episodes long (only one season), so it wouldn't be too monumental of a task to watch several relatively quickly. Some can be really dense though. Anyone, my point is that there is a lot out there, and you really need to experience it to appreciate it.
P.s. Once you get a good grasp on anime, I suggest watching Rosario Vampire. It is hilarious, but is basically a rip on anime in general, so if you don't know anime pretty well, you won't really appreciate a lot of the humor. Still though, it is great. Add that to the list that you are planning on watching, just a bit further down.
Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden.