I'm looking for your opinion. (upgrading pc)

Basically, i'm looking for the communities opinion on what to upgrade in my computer without replacing the motherboard or the case itself.

Here is a link to my build:


I have no concern about a budget, i'm just looking for suggestions that'll point me the right way.

Also, I just want to go ahead and say thank you to anyone that helps me and I'll be sure to give something back to the community.

Other things I should mention:

  1. I live in the U.S
  2. I prefer to buy from Newegg or Amazon

I'd say grab an ssd another 7790 to crossfire. maybe a better aftermarket cooler and thermalpaste to do some OC'ing

I have a FX6350 too on a gigabyte990FX-ud3 with a dark knighlongassname cooler II and I've got it OC'd to 4.7Ghz

XIGMATEK Dark Knight II SD1283 Night Hawk Edition CPU Cooler with Stealth Aerospace Industry Thermal conductive ceramic coating LGA1150 Haswell Compatible


longass name cooler II


How big is the Dark Knight compared to the Hyper 212? Because with my case it's almost touching the side window.