I'm looking for a replacement androis os for my samsung device

I'm looking to switch out touchwiz on my Samsung galaxy note 10.1. I am about feed up with all the annoying stuff with touchwiz, like forcing the samsung keyboard when I'm clearly using a bluetooth one. Does anyone here now of a good replacement? I know there is the cyanogenmod out there, but I want options befor diving into that one.

Ok I can help you but first we need to know more. What model of the note 10.1 do you have and have you rooted it and installed a recovery on it yet? Its very simple and you can google it. Google "how to root (device model and manufacture). The root process for samsung should use odin. If you brick it dont worry it can be fixed. Also head over to http://www.xda-developers.com/ find your model and you will see all the android os (roms) you can install. 

be careful, in all the new firmwares from samsung they are now implementing KNOX which detects if you run a custom  firmware, it will flip a flag on your device and void the warranty.

That is crap. Well if he doesnt go through with it he could use a custom launcher and try and cover up the horrid touchwiz.

the model number is GT-N8013, and its not rooted.

I've tried another launcher, and it just made the experience worse, because the Samsung android OS was still trying to assert itself. so if I can go at least stock android I'm happy, even if I loose some of the features like the s-pen

Most roms will include some of the s pen features.

Well you need to do that before you continue. Also here is the link to the CyanogennMod rom for your device http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?type=nightly&device=n8013  I suggest you go with that for your first rom but if you want something else http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-10-1#romList this is all the roms for your device. Stay away from omni and illusion rom as they are very buggy and will brick your device if you mess up. I also found a version of ubuntu touch which is cool http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2168999  


After you have rooted your device back everything up using your custom recovery and good luck :P

I did see a page on the xda forums that list official roms, I take it this is for reverting it to an official build?

Yeah that rom would be if you need to revert to the original.