I'm looking for a real silent PSU >700Watt

My pc is almost silent i just need another PSU, at the moment i'm using Corsair's CX750. 
I've tried the nexus rx 8500, it was silent indeed but at loads around 330Watt my system shut down, i'm guessing its a factory mistake so i might get another nexus PSU. After the nexus i bought the XFX ProSeries 850W Modular, wich wasnt quite "Ultra Quiet" i've sent that one back to the retailer too. 

Now what PSU should i try next? I'm looking at the Corsair AX 760/860. I don't want to hear anything at idle, wich is around 160Watt.

I've got a cx600m from corsiar its only 600 watts but I don't hear anything. I originaly bought it and put it in my computer and it worked for like 5 minutes then went and traded it in and its been a month and I've had no problems. If you need a new power supply corsiar is the way to go

Why do you need so much power?

Well i want it to be an 'upgrade' and i might get another 7950 to run in xfire

You could always get a nice expensive fanless one like this https://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_972&products_id=22431 but I wouldnt run crossfire with it. 

Im pretty sure with corsairs digital ax series you can regulate the psu fan with a profile. Maybe thats something to look into perhaps.

For 7950 CF 650W is more than enough.

take off the fan grill or disassemble the PSU and put a PC fan inside and connect to the motherboard or fancontroller, use common sense and don't poke at shit in the PSU

these will keep it cool and quiet


Be incredibly careful when doing that. If the PSU has been powered on before, the caps still have a charge, most likely, and can easily kill you. If you do take it apart, stay grounded, and wear rubber gloves; not those shitty kitchen gloves, but real rubber gloves. It is much safer on a brand-new PSU, though.

yeah that, unplug your PSU and press and hold the Power button of your case. I've taken PSUs apart all the time to clean, as long as your safe you'll be fine.

I have the Corsair ax850w and I can confirm that under idle loads the fan typically doesn't come on. I will say though it's been 2 years since I purchased this PSU and it's starting to develope some coil whine. It's nothing unbearable and I can only hear it when my ear is pretty much pressed up against my case, but it's there.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that even when the fan does kick in I can't hear it. It is virtually silent and if you have any other fans in your system you will not be able to hear this PSU.

Not if you have good fans!

I've never had the absolute best fans such as noctuas so I can't really compare, but my case has nothing but Bitfenix Spectre pros and the ACX cooler on my GTX 770. I wouldn't classify my computer as silent, but I would say it is quiet. It's about as loud as an off the shelf dell or so. When I first built my computer I had everything running outside my case for trouble shooting. With just the psu, gpu(6870 at the time), and stock cpu cooler to make noise I couldn't hear the components at all.

I'm just trying to say this PSU is very quiet. I don't doubt you can get quieter case fans. 


These things make negative sound if that makes any sense.

I have a Corsair TX650 it's really quiet.

I put a Corsair AX860 in my mates pc and that is really quiet aswell.

The TX/HX/AX series are all enthusiast parts and the top 3 of Corsair's PSUs.

TX650 would be a good choice.

I will probably be buying the ax760i or the ax860, and then just hope there will be no coil whine. If it has coil whine i will send it back to the retailer. is the 'i' useful if you have a fan controller?

I cannot change the fan in my current cx750, i've already sold it to one of my friends.

The AXi series are digital PSUs.  You can hook them up with Corsair link software to control stuff via link commander or something.  Not sure if you can control the fan but there really is no need too.  But you can monitor the temps and fan speed.

Too be honest you don't need to worry about noise from anything like the TX series and up.  I've had my TX650 for 3 years and have had no issues as far as stability and noise.  Just one dodgy plug that fried the sata connection for my H100i.

Gotta get around to doing an RMA.  Hassels.