Hello there, i recently bought RTX 2070 Super, and im considered that my psu, witch is thermaltake 530 80+ unit isn’t quite enough to power my system. The FPS is fluxyating indicating that GPU is underclocking itself to cope with the PSU.
Anyway, i will be switching to Seasonic 80+ gold 650w unit in next week, so i can deal with no gaming during this perioid.
I would honestly check on heat as well. Unless things have changed the only reason a GPU would clock down for PSU is if the PSU is not supplying correct voltage which could just be a poorly designed PSU (many Thermaltake PSUs would fall under this) or the PSU is being overloaded and does not have overload protection or it does not kick in soon enough.
Might be a little early for a conclusion of any kind.
How old is the PSU?
Is PCIe power daisy chained or running two separate cables?
What is the whole spec list of the system?
Is anything overclocked?
What resolution and refresh rate are we talking?
What are you playing?
There is a lot of factors playing into it. Don’t get me wrong, a quality PSU is something I would always recommend over almost anything else. But I also have a Ryzen 7 1700 @3.8GHz all core with a Sapphire R9 Fury Nitro hooked up to a Silverstone Nightjar 520W passive PSU and that is running completely fine.
Check your the actual wiring of your house. You might be plugged on the same power line as your AC, Heater, Refrigerator, etc. If so, pick another outlet to plug your pc in.
Also check the fusebox if it is rated for the adequate amperage for all the appliances attached to it.
In GPU overclocking utilities, you can pull up graphs of the GPU’s core voltage, frequency, and power. It’s normal for all three to dip for a few minutes after you start an intense application, and eventually more-or-less settle on a stable value. Maybe more so with a synthetic benchmark like furmark.
You can also see the reason for GPU throttling, usually. It’ll either trip a limiter (max temp/power) or stay at the max clock at low load. I would monitor the GPU’s behavior in a few different workloads to see if the hardware is actually behaving strangely, since frametime variability is often the fault of the game/application.
For everyone, everything is fine. But really having my PSU’s 12 volt rail dip to 11.6 volts indicates that i need better PSU, otherwise games and stuff is running fine.
11.6v on 12v line is technically within spec, though it is close to going out of spec indicating either an input power problem (as mentioned before about checking for other things generating noise on the line) or a low quality PSU. Given Thermaltake’s history with PSUs I think a low quality PSU is a liekly scenario and you are correct in replacing it. Getting a significantly better PSU should help with long term stability and increase longevity of the parts. That being said keep in mind that there could be other factors involved with the stuttering that would not be helped with the new PSU.