People didn't seem to understand that on yahoo answers so I decided to come here.
This is the computer I have. (Includes all the specs)
I have a few questions.
My first question is can this case
fit everything of mine and work properly? I really just want to ask. It is bigger then my case so I don't know why it wouldn't work. I just want to make sure the motherboard and everything could fit in properly.
My next question is will this power supply work with my motherboard
Is it possible for it to like fry my motherboard or something. Remember, this power supply needs to work with this new case I will be getting and my motherboard.
My last question is will this graphics card work with all of this?
I really need answers to be accurate, be truthful even if it hurts.
If some parts don't work (Or they do) you can still recommend other parts around the same price that would be better for my money.
I would also like to ask if this 750 watt version of that power supply will work with these components.
id love to help but I dont see any parts just a benchmark
so this is a prebuilt ivybridge pc that you want to gut and transplant into the haf case. Im 99% sure you are ok but why do you need so much power that psu is major overkill and the graphics card isnt much better than integrated graphics I would hold out on the gpu till you had more money. Some oem motherboards and power supplies use proprietary plugs so i cant confirm anything without photos of the inside of the computer.
For now should I just get the case? I just want the power supply to upgrade in the future. Also, you think I should stick with the graphics card I am using right now? I want an upgrade from the current graphics card, do you have any suggestions?
do you know which model you have there are several listed im looking at some motherboards right now
Sorry, I'm not entirely sure. If you could tell me how to find out what motherboard I have I will do it.
open the case and search the motherboard for a model number it should be printed on the board in white also right click computer select properties and tell me what is says is the processor you are running.
Processor: Intel Core I5-3350p 3.10 ghz
I will get the motherboard model, this might take a few minutes.
You could get a GTX 750 ti as mentioned in this video http://youtu.be/A_Pnte_niJE (don't mind the video name). A 750 Ti cost $155 from newegg.com
EDIT: I also recommend getting the EVGA 750 TI Superclocked http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487024
I believe this is what you were looking for, it was pretty small but it looks like a model number to me.
your in good shape its 24 pin. Your current gpu is a gt 640 from what I am reading and needs an upgrade the recommended option above is good as well as this one
gpu evga superclocked 750ti http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487024
You could go with this psu and have more money for your gpu
psu - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151094
I would personally use the gt640 till you have 200-300 to spend on a gpu but if you want something now the gtx750ti is going to be the best option for buying new if you want go on ebay and buy a gtx560ti for 40-60 bucks thats what i would do. Are you in the united states? amd is inflated right now so nvidia is the cheaper option for price to performance if you are an amd fan then make sure the r7 260x has 2gb of memory. The gtx560ti will be similar in performance overclocks well and will be 1/3 the price if you catch a good auction on ebay the most id pay for one is 80 bucks with shipping costs included in that total. The r7 260x and the gtx 750ti are about the same performance wise with the 750ti winning in most benchmarks. The r9 270x ot a gtx 760 is another option if you have 60 more bucks.
Alright, thanks for the help man. Really appreciated.
you got it take some pictures for us.
I would try to pick up an R9 270, with a CX500 or similar type of power supply.
I believe you may need a bigger case, and the Haf 912 you linked should be just fine.
The R9 270, R7 260X, and 260 require a power cable to be connected from a power supply. You may need a power supply upgrade to run those GPUs . A 750 Ti does NOT require a power supply upgrade, thus saving money.