I'm getting a complete ugrade

A family member is getting a new computer, so I'm getting the old one. It has an i7 2600k and a GTX 670 with a 700W PSU, and I'm selling my old one. I'm wondering if I should swap the 670 with my 270x and use the money I'm getting to buy another 270x to CF them, or keep the 670 and put that money towards getting a 290. 


Go for it, crossfire support has come a long way. and amd mantle drivers rock. Being as amd is in the next-gen consoles, getting two crossfired seems like a great idea, or upgrading to a 290

well 670gtx is worth about $175 and 270x for just about $120 on ebay so i would sell the 670gtx and crossfire.

The 290 would perform better, almost across the board. It is also more consistent. Prices on the 290X just dropped, the 290 may also drop this week or next, once Nvidia makes their big announcement. The perfect time to buy a 290 might be just around the corner.

I've thought about it a bit, and I think I'll go with the 290 or 290x. Now the only question is what vendor. I know a lot of people don't like vendors like PowerColor or Visiontek, but with my money situation, I'm not exactly ruling them out.


It is my understanding that Visiontek and XFX offer lifetime warranties. Just a thought. Personally I like XFX.

Personally, I can't recommend Sapphire enough. If you're not going with water cooling then a major consideration with the 290s has to be cooling. Don't buy a card that doesn't have a good cooler on it, because that series run hot otherwise. I run Tri-x 290s and they've been superb for me so far, I also have Tri-x 270xs on another machine and they've also been perfect for me.


Just do a bit of research into which cards to rule out, figure out maybe 4-5 you'd be happy with, and then look for the best offers you can find. A number of 290s are on sale in the UK at the moment, and there's the huge November sales in the US not far off now.

AMD is about to drop a new card in their line up .. there is a lot of buzz about it ... may hold off a few weeks and see