If you are building a Pc soon consider this



You cannot argue with that price yall.


That is all.

I see your bet and I raise


$14 more for the same GPU and it isn't refurbished.

lol, i see i have been missing stuff while in game testing world.

you can get directuii or matrix 7970 for 200 bucks on ebay (and you should ask if they were registered or not) or 7990 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sapphire-Technology-Sapphire-Radeon-HD-7990-21207-00-50G-6-GB-GDDR5-SDRAM-/301293028896?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item462676c620

7950's are sold so damn cheap on ebay it is bonkers. you can easily pick up used ones for 100 bucks or less if you spend some time. I was considering picking up 2 more just because I could (I already have 2)

Ehh personally  I would rather buy a GPU new. 

Used GPUs are kinda iffy to me. They get hot and could have been messed with or not taken care of properly. Plus AMD cards could have been used for mining which can kill them.

Would rather spend a little more and get a new one with a warranty. 

if they aren't registered then no problem doing rma.

I got that same 7950 new for $195 after mail in rebate when the new R9 and R7 cards came out a couple months ago.

Gettin the deals.


I love amd, Such good prices,

For everyone!

Correction, $14 more for a new and faster card, the 280x == 7970

So even better deal :P

While it is true that the 280X is a 7970 the card I posted isn't a 280X. It is just an R9 280 which is a 7950. They are the same. 

Countdown to nVidia fanboys crying in 3.... 2... 1...

Amd sucks? lol

No, no, no.

"AMD is pretty much stuck in the past."

It doesn't have to make sense, it only has to sound good.

Oh wow, I misread that. Me so stopid

lul you were right; but don't call them fanboy's :) its no good.

No such thing as a competent nvidia fanboy since the mining craze stopped... just a stupid person... there was a time when the 770 was the best price/performance on the market.... that time has passed